Monday, March 30, 2020

March 30 – “Corona-trends in the Neighborhood”

I worked in the yard again in the afternoon the other day since it was cloudy.  Wow.  That’s a very unusual sentence.  I’m not sure what kind of grade I would receive from my junior high English teacher for that creation.  As far as I can tell it is a valid sentence, though.  I just don’t want any part of diagramming it this morning. 

But back to the thought, I was in the front yard ripping up weeds again.  I glanced up from my rather uncomfortable position (for which I am still sore today) and saw someone approaching on the sidewalk.  It was apparently a neighbor I had never seen came by.  The young man was an obvious burn victim.  He also walked with a prosthesis for one leg, and was using a cane to assist with his balance. 

Through his broken English I pieced together that he was just learning to use his new leg, and was practicing walking.  I expressed concern about him being in the sun because of his burns.  He agreed, and said he was headed home.  I also encouraged him in his walking workout.  He beamed with a large grin at the reinforcement.  I finally realized that my pile of weeds might be hindering the continuation of his walk, so I jumped up (well, that might be a bit of an overstatement.  I made my way up from the ground) and cleared the path for him.  He continued on his way.  Oh, and yes, we stayed six feet apart. 

I saw a few other neighbors out walking as well.  There was a Mom with a few kids in tow.  Three or four random bicyclers.  You know, I didn’t realize how much I missed people.  I also didn’t know there is a new newest thing.  It’s riding around in your vehicle with your dog’s head hanging out the window.  There must have been five or six of those pass by.  It’s hard to keep up with these Corona-trends.

Speaking of trends, we got a notice on our neighborhood Facebook page that a youngster a few streets over was having a sixth birthday and couldn’t have a party.  So his Mom was wondering if anyone who could, would drive by their house and honk and wave to the little guy.  We were all over that request.  So were the Geran’s.  About 5:30, the designated time when the young man would be outside, we drove off in a mini-caravan to wave a Happy Birthday greeting.  He seemed happy as could be, and waved back with a big smile.  Never met the kiddo before still haven’t, technically.  But we can say we went to his Corona-birthday party. 

Psalms 68:19 says, “Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.”

Father, be with that little man we waved to the other day.  Thank you for the smile we saw on his face.  It really lit up my day.  Amen.

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