Friday, September 6, 2019

September 6 – “… just a few more minutes”

Chris started her day off by giving Freddy a bath.  Now that’s not so unusual, but here’s the problem.  We were out of heart guard.  Freddy gets one of those chewable delights as a treat after the bath.  And oh, was she ever expecting one.  She wiggled and squirmed and raced to the pantry where such treats are stored.  And all that was before the bath.  Fortunately, we had some other dog treats available to salve her overwhelming desire.  Not so fortunately, when I stopped by the vet’s office later in the day to get some more heart guard, they wouldn’t give me any.  Seems she is due for a heartworm test, and they won’t sell us any until that test is complete.  Well, OK.  Add vet bill to the list, I guess. 

Quick truck update.  I drove by the shop and it is still in the bay.  No idea how long this will take.  Day Two is in the books.  And now we enter Day Three.

My day actually started with a trip to the dentist.  Well, oral surgeon actually.  It was just a follow-up for the surgery I had the week before we left for Alaska.  It was one of “those” trips.  I waited in the lobby a full 40 minutes.  They finally put me in a room and I waited five or ten more in there.  As the tech lady got me settled in the room she tossed a casual thought over her shoulder, “It’ll be just a few more minutes.”  I smiled and as sweetly as I could muster, replied, “Well, it’s already been 40.  What’s a few more?”  She kind of backtracked her flippant attitude a bit and explained, “Well, uh, he’s in surgery.  Uh.  I’m sorry.”  Not a problem.  I wasn’t mad or anything.  Just curious about the long delay.  I’ve never had to wait so long before …

As it turned out, while he was inspecting my teeth (He gave his thumbs-up on the surgery, by the way.  Even said it should be ready to have “the other tooth” screwed in by November.  Wait.  What other tooth?  Not something we decided, by any means.  And he once again said the tooth next to the one he pulled should get a crown), I felt the distinct vibration in my pocket that meant my phone was ringing.  I returned the call to Cory, a long-time Seasider and one of Nathan’s old running buddies.  His Dad was in the ER with chest pains.  So I just headed that direction instead of home.  I actually beat Cory there as it turned out.  He parked in the lot farthest from the emergency room and had to maneuver his way through the hospital maze.  I stuck around with them for a while and prayed with them.  By the time I left all they had done were some x-rays.  I checked back with them last night, and they had done an EKG and scheduled him for some more testing today.  Not something to mess around with …

Matthew 7:13-14 says, “Enter through the narrow gate.  For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

Father, would you surround Mike Anderson with your love and healing?  Amen.

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