Monday, September 30, 2019

September 30 – “My favorite uncle”

Cailyn had two softball games in Dickinson yesterday.  No way we could make the first one.  Too close to church time.  So after a quick lunch (warmed up leftover pizza) we headed to Texas.  We also had a passenger with us this time.  Kel and Christina’s dog Leia had a cousin’s sleepover with Freddy.  She was pretty much ready to go home, I think, although she was just about to understand the ins and outs of where she could sit on the couch.  Freddy made a point to assist in that teaching.  If Leia got too close to Chris, Freddy would bound in from across the room and snuggle in even closer.  Can’t be too careful with the position in the pack, I guess.

So we took Leia home first.  And as it turned out, Noa wanted to go to the softball game with us, since it was a girls’ thing and all.  We strapped her into the car and she started talking excitedly.  Now I have no idea what she was saying.  Many reasons for that.  For one, she was primarily talking to Chris (or to herself).  Secondly, she was in the back seat, so even though I could tell she was talking, I couldn’t really distinguish what she was saying.  Thirdly, the Astros game had just started.  But suffice it to say … she never stopped. 

Once we got to the game and Chris managed to expertly park along the side of the one-lane road leading both in and out of the park, Noa was taken under the wing of her Uncle Nathan.  Well, she was taken to the concession stand by him.  Scary and brave act.  She came back with a bottle of Gatorade, a huge pickle, and something blue in a tiny little cup.  I’m not sure what it was, but she devoured it.  She told us on the way home, “I think Uncle Nathan is my favorite uncle.”  Sorry, Josh. 

Oh, the game.  Cailyn’s team won easily.  Both games, in fact.  In the one we saw Cailyn hit in the leadoff spot.  She walked twice and was hit by a pitch once.  She scored all three times.  Pretty impressive.  Oh … and it was hot.  Really hot. 

I did keep up with the Astros game as well.  Last game of the regular season.  They finished with a bang.  8-5 for a 20th win for Garrett Cole.  Most wins in franchise history.  Now they wait to see who they will play in the first round of playoffs.  Speaking of that, I joined Micah and Jachin in filling out a projected bracket of who might win each playoff series and the World Series.  We’ll see who does the best job. 

2 Peter 1:3 says, “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.”

Father, thank you for our little excursion with Noa.  It was fun to watch her idolizing Cailyn through the dugout fence.  Amen.

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