Monday, September 2, 2019

September 2 – “Five extra”

When we stopped at the donut shop to get some for church, I saw the same electrician who did the work for us at the church the day before.  I told him we might be interested in him doing some more work.  We need some outside lights installed.  He came by Seaside later to pick up his check for the work he did and looked around at what might be needed for those outside lights.  I love living in a small town. 

Church went really well again.  We had 72 folks in attendance according to our best count (That would be Chris’).  There were lots of out of towners in for the holiday.  Even some new locals and almost locals (they are still in the process of moving). 

We picked up five extra young-uns for the night.  Kel and Christina went to see the Skeeters baseball game.  Well, they didn’t leave until we saw the rest of the Astros game.  Yep.  That would be the one against the Toronto Blue Jays where Verlander pitched the no-hitter, and the rookie named Toro from Toronto hit the go-ahead home run and fielded the final out.  Very exciting stuff. 

The kids played some video games for a while, and Ezra literally fell asleep at the table.  Later the rest of us settled in and flipped back and forth between the Oklahoma vs. Houston football game and America’s Got Talent.  Those youngsters are just not very much into football though.  We all got into the talent competition, however.  I think Josiah really wanted the dog act to go through.  He didn’t.  Jachin and Micah (OK, and me) were pulling for the weirdly dressed guy who played the tambourine with his face.  He didn’t make it either.  The ten-year-old opera singer made it, of course.  We had no idea what she was bellering about.  Who understands the words to an opera anyway?  Never did find out the final score of the football game.

Ezra slept clear through until 6:30 this morning.  He and I have been snuggling in my chair.  He’s helping me get this post written while everybody else sleeps.  Good thing I have become pretty adept at typing one finger at a time.

Jeremiah 17:14 says, “Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.”

Father, thank you for these grandkids you have blessed us with.  Nothing quite like a curled-up bundle of little boy in your lap.  Amen.

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