Tuesday, September 10, 2019

September 10 – “Preparation instincts”

After getting a few things done for work yesterday morning I joined Chris in trying to get some more Panama Canal cruise things settled.  We got an email from the travel agent, so it stirred up some more of Chris’ preparation instincts.  I think we know what we need to do as far as paying for the trip now.  And the agent now realizes that we live in Galveston, so we don’t need any airline travel information. 

Around ten I headed up to the hospital so pray with our friend Mike before his bypass surgery.  He was in great spirits, and he had little chance to ponder the surgery much, what with almost twenty friends and relatives surrounding him.  Hopefully he could feel the love and concern each of them had.

After they took him back, I joined two of the friends who were there for lunch.  I haven’t seen either of them in quite some time, so it was really good catching up with them.  We laughed over Tennessee football and Astros baseball, and lamented over our varying aches and pains of aging …

From there I went over to fire station two to check on the guys there.  We talked about the Astros and Texans and Cowboys versus anything hockey.  I guess it must be tough to be the only hockey fan on shift, but Schaeffer was holding his ground …

Next I headed to station one.  That was an interesting visit.  Oh, I got to talk to Chief Harrison and Chief Wisko (who, by the way, went to an actual KISS concert.  He said their show was still amazing, but their music is just as bad as it was back in 1970.  He was but a child back in 1970).  And I spent some time in Trish’s office.  She has put off her retirement until January to help transition the new chief.  But it was when I went into the common room that I was truly inspired.  The guys were watching a training video on being appropriate in the workplace.  I sat down and joined them to I could truly experience one of their ever-present (and required) training opportunities.  Now I know.  The essence of the video was this: When you see something inappropriate in the workplace, approach the offender and call him out in private.  Say, “I heard what you said.  I didn’t think it was right.”  Then walk away.  Don’t argue.  That part of the video took 13 minutes.  The narrator guy took another 13 minutes to say that the video would be cheesy and then to say that it was over.  He just had a hard time saying goodbye.  But he was talking from his car.  Seat belt on and everything.  That part just confused me, but then maybe I missed something …

Finally I stopped by station five.  They explained to me the new format that is up for consideration as to working hours.  Now they work one day on shift and two days off.  The new plan has them working two days on shift and four days off.  They seemed ready to give it a try …

Several times over the course of the visits I was asked how Nathan seemed to be doing with his decision to leave the department and take a job back with the plants.  I assured them that it was a tough decision, but he is confident that he is doing what is best for his family.  And in just about every case the follow-up question was some form of, “Are we losing you, too.”  Nope.  Not any time soon that I know of …

Oh, and a late word.  Mike came out of surgery just fine.  They only did three bypasses, and by 10:30 or so he was awake in the ICU, harassing the nursing staff with jokes.  That’s Mike …

Psalms 127:1 says, “Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain.  Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.”

Father, please keep standing watch over Mike.  Thank for the good report on the surgery.  Amen.

1 comment:

daddypipes said...

Kelley, enjoying reading your blogs. If you are ever looking for a Centrifuge further north, North Greenville University is a host site Regarding sports; I have a group of students who are provide "utility" support for the sports production crew I work with. This gives them great experience and a place to start or build on a career. But more importantly, I am trying to disciple them for being salt and light in the workplace that is the sports production industry. Keep us in prayer. Blessings!