Wednesday, September 25, 2019

September 25 – “Postal understanding …”

So, did anybody get mail yesterday?  We got one letter on Monday, but nothing yesterday.  I just read in the newspaper that mail service is supposed to be up and running again sometime this week.  Hope those of us who still use the postal service to pay our bills experience understanding …

We had to attack our overgrown lawn yesterday.  It was beginning to get post-apocalyptic.  Well, post-tropical storm-ic anyway.  Our lawn has splotches of dead spots surrounded by lush St. Augustine surrounded by Bermuda infested with evil, grow-in-a-circle things with an occasional stickerbur popping up here and there.  Just weird. 

After the outdoor workout I spent most of my day working on the sermon for Sunday.  Chris made a trip to Hobby Lobby.  She is working on another quilt, so she needed some kind of backing stuff to make it work. 

I took a break at one point and took another look at the baseball cards I got on our last trip.  I was able to fill in the blanks on all the empty spaces of the collector notebook except one.  Card number five of the 1989 Topps set.  Orel Hersheiser doing some kind of record breaking event.  Anybody have that one gathering dust around your house?  Chris looked it up.  It’s worth a whopping 79 cents.  I’ll give you a dollar for it.  We also found a few more of the Biggio rookie cards, as well as John Smoltz’ rookie card and Randy Johnson’s.  Pretty good year for rookies, I guess.  Chris was really getting into the process.  She was looking everything up on the internet.  She found one site that sells cards, but shipping for one 79 cent card would be in the neighborhood of $10.  She even suggested a day trip back to the antique store in Granbury to see if they had any more cards.  Sounds like fun …

2 John 1:6 says, “And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands.  As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.”

Father, obeying because we love sure sounds easier than obeying because we have to.  Thanks for challenging us to do it that way.  Amen.

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