Saturday, September 28, 2019

September 28 – “ya little muttly”

We went on our three-mile walk yesterday.  Actually we kind of jogged a little bit during mile two.  Chris wasn’t too happy about it.  Not that it was too hard for her or anything.  She could have done much more.  She was just worried about me.  She said she could just see my back getting pounded with every step.  The neurosurgeon did tell me it was in my best interests to choose not to run anymore.  But I just wanted to see if I could.  Chris assured me we could just walk a little faster and get the same results.  I don’t know about that.  I could sure feel the aerobic value kicking in.  That’s a slick way of saying it got harder and harder to breathe.  I can’t say I’m completely convinced to stop running altogether.  Guess I’ll see how I feel the rest of today.

We decided to take the truck over to a local paint and body shop and get an estimate of how much it will cost to paint it.  And of course the speedometer acted up and was squirrelly again.  It finally started registering as we turned into our neighborhood.  Maybe it just needs to warm up.  So back to the paint job.  The price they gave seemed to be right in line with what we were seeing in our on-line search.  I was most impressed, though, with the demeanor of the guy who did the estimate.  He was respectful and quite helpful.  He also loves Jesus.  I’ll admit that last part did sway my opinion a lot.  We checked up on their reputation, and everything we saw sounded really good.  Now I guess we just need to save up money for that little expense.  Not sure how long that will take.  We have to pay the balance due for our Panama Canal cruise sometime in the next week or two. 

The LaMarque crew came over for a visit last night.  They had been to the library.  Well, that and they needed to bring over their dog for an overnighter with us.  Well, two overnighters.  Maybe three.  They have a very busy weekend, and they don’t want to leave the dog in its crate for such long hours.  Yeah.  That dog may get to spend some time in a crate over here.  I had to put up the dog gate last night because it was scratching the door.  Then this morning I let it into the house, primarily because it was making this horrendous whining sound.  It proceeded to jump into my office chair and pee.  Not a good start, ya little muttly. 

Kel did help me out on the baseball card front, though.  He found on e-Bay the one card I needed to complete the set I got in Glen Rose.  He did the ordering and everything.  Two bucks, which includes shipping and everything.  Should be in sometime on Friday of next week.  It’s going to his house, so the mail fiasco down here shouldn’t affect anything.  Actually we did receive some mail yesterday, so I guess they found a place to work from until they get the warehouse repaired that was destroyed by the Imelda rainwater. 

1 Peter 1:24-25 says, “All people are like grass, and their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord endures forever.”

Father, be with Kel’s family during their hectic weekend.  Be with Josh’s family at their family retreat.  And be with Nathan’s family at Cailyn’s marathon softball games.  Whew.  Makes me tired just thinking about it.  Amen.

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