Monday, August 5, 2019

August 5 – “Thanks for that …”

We had a great crowd at church yesterday.  Not just in numbers (that was around 85 people and two dogs).  They were very engaged in the worship singing and even the teaching.  I also showed three or four pictures from our Alaska trip, and now they want to see a whole slide show.  Well, I guess some of them might be happy to skip that.  Many seemed genuinely happy to see us after being gone for three Sundays.  They said lots of very positive things about Kel filling in.  One even said that whenever I’m ready to retire, they want him to be the pastor.  Proud Dad moment here.  Thanks for the help, Kel.

No, Chris didn’t accompany me to church.  She was just getting out of bed when I left.   The coughing makes for a rough night.  But imagine my surprise when I got home from church to find that Chris had fixed a meal.  It wore her out, but I sure appreciated it.  Thanks for the meal, Chris. 

And then she went outside and set up the sprinkler to water the grass.  I asked her at one point how it felt to be outside.  She answered, “It’s hot.”  Gotta love the simplicity.  Later she went out to move the sprinkler.  When she came back in she announced that she had to change her clothes.  I asked what happened and she turned around.  Seems she tripped over a leg of the swing and fell.  Fortunately she wasn’t hurt.  Said her pride was bruised though.  With all this flurry of activity the next question still looms.  What about Cousins’ Camp this week?  She wanted to sleep on it one more night, so the jury is still out until she wakes up, I guess.  TBD.  To Be Determined.

We had another wonderful surprise later in the afternoon.  Sam from church stopped by.  She had been to WalMart and included us in her shopping list.  She brought a little of everything, from salad fixings to ice cream to my own personal favorite … Crab Dip.  Thanks for the unexpected blessing, Sam. 

Colossians 3:23-24 says, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.  It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

Father, thank you for the expressions of love we received yesterday, both at church and home.  Amen.

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