Thursday, August 1, 2019

August 1 – “The Little Nurturer”

So Chris didn’t feel so good about midnight, so she got up and moved to the couch.  She didn’t want to keep me awake with her coughing.  Ain’t she a gem?  When I woke up she returned to the bed and camped out for the foreseeable future, her usual approach to illness of any kind.

I got the call to go pick up Cailyn around 10.  Both of her parents were working, and she seemed excited to hang out with us.  She made the comment, “It’s really good to see you guys and it not be in a picture or just on FaceTime.”  Nice. 

Chris eventually made an appearance.  She said she was feeling better, and even told me what she wanted from Whataburger.  Cailyn and I went on that journey to pick up lunch.  All went well.  The girls had chicken strips.  I had a bacon burger. 

After lunch I left for my haircut appointment.  Needed that one pretty bad.  I had the Alaska mountain mad appearance going.  While I was in the chair I felt my phone vibrating to indicate a call.  No big deal.  Then came the two beeps to indicate they left a message.  OK.  All is well.  But then it started ringing again, almost immediately.  That couldn’t be good.  That’s kind of an unwritten code of telephone etiquette, isn’t it?  Two calls immediately back to back and you answer the second one.  Well, I couldn’t let it go, so I checked to see who it was.  Cailyn.  Whoah.  I had to take that one.  She bravely answered, “DadDad?  Umm.  Hi.  Umm.  This is Cailyn.  Umm.  Nana is throwing up and I don’t know what to do.”  Bless her little heart.  I told her to just stay in the living room and I would be home shortly.  Nothing any of us can do right now.  Come to find out that was the same advice she received from her Mom and Dad as well.  She called them both to check up on my directions.  So … apparently right after I left Chris suddenly excused herself and headed into the bathroom.  The Cruise Crud has officially struck.

Later on in the day Nathan came by with his crew in the fire truck.  He brought some anti-vomit medicine.  Cailyn and I ventured out to WalMart for some Sprite and Gatorade.  She wasn’t interested in staying with Nana by herself again. 

Cailyn made us some pancakes for supper.  Even figured out how to cut the recipe in half “because just me and you can’t eat fourteen pancakes, DadDad.”  Smart kid, that one.  Then we watched the Astros game until her Mom came to pick her up. 

I received lots of texts from well-wishers, including from the Winkle’s who are still not quite over the Cruise Crud that struck their household.  Keep those prayers coming …

1 Samuel 2:2 says, “There is no one holy like the Lord; there is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God.”

Father, thank you for Cailyn’s tender heart.  She did her best to nurture me while Chris was taking care of herself.  Amen. 

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