Sunday, August 25, 2019

August 25 – “Hospital reports”

Our neighbor George who was taken by ambulance to the ER the other day after a fall ended up in ICU.  He has some pretty severe issues with his COPD and a lung infection to go along with the gash in his leg and some broken ribs from the fall.  They almost sent him home, but his wife insisted that she was not taking him unless he could walk to the bathroom and back.  They got his shoes on and gave it a try, and he lost his balance and lurched forward.  Then he became unresponsive.  He is now on a breathing machine and is not doing so good.

Speaking of hospitals, we went to check on Seasider Pat on Friday.  She was in really good spirits after hearing that she didn’t have to undergo the surgery they mentioned to her.  Apparently another consultation determined that it really wouldn’t do her any good anyway.  She was just happy to NOT have surgery.  The plan now is to send her home with a combination of home health and hospice managing her pain. 

Kel and his family came over Friday evening.  They brought all the fixin’s for hamburgers.  Really big, one-third pound hamburgers.  Good stuff.  Then we watched the Astros game.  Well, some of us did.  Kel fell asleep.  Jachin and Micah stayed with the game.  The rest of the crew were in one stage of playing or another.  I had to do the DadDad multi-tasking thing.  I watched the game, of course.  I also listened to Noa tell a story.  I read Ezra a book.  I listened to Noa tell a whopper of a tale.  I watched Ezra push Josiah around on a riding toy.  I listened to Noa … just talk.  That girl can talk constantly.  I watched Noa and Ezra play hospital.  And we are back full circle to where we began.  I’d much rather be playing hospital than actually being in one. 

Ephesians 6:10 says, “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.”

Father, grant some of that God-power to Pat and George so they can do some physical overcoming.  Amen.

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