Friday, August 2, 2019

August 2 – “The Evil Ratons”

Patient update: The Cruise Crud is still with us.  Chris rallied and crashed several times over the course of the day.  She got out of bed and walked around a little.  Sat up on the couch, too.  She said she was just aching all over, so she just had to move around some.  By mid-afternoon we thought she might be over the hump, but the chicken noodle soup found its way back the way it came.  I guess that was the last straw.  Well, that and some pretty direct admonition from our fire fighter son.  She finally agreed to take the anti-vomit medicine.  Last night she coughed a lot throughout the night.  We’ll see how today goes.

Tooth update: I had a follow-up appointment for my dental surgery.  The doc said it is not healed yet, but it looks good and is well on its way.  I have to return in another month to let him look at it and stick his finger back in my mouth again. 

Now for the big news.  The skills that I honed while in Alaska proved helpful.  I spotted some wildlife last night.  We were watching the Astros game and I happened to glance out the window.  I noticed a flicker of movement.  There on a wire heading toward our house was a rat.  Nice size one, too.  It would have been much bigger if Chris had seen it.  So what did I do?  Well, without thought for my own safety I raced into the fray.  I screamed.  I waved my arms.  I admirably protected my ailing wife from the evil incursion.  The rat somehow managed to get turned around without falling to the ground into the arms of the waiting Freddy below.  Actually I’m not sure what Freddy (or I for that matter) would have done if it had fallen.  But it scurried back the way it came to the power pole and raced down the cables to haunt a different home.

Problem solved?  Not yet.  Suddenly, as I ran flailing toward that pound or so of pure evil, I noticed the second wave of rattish attack.  Another one appeared on the fence.  So I turned my screams and blathering in its direction.  It responded quickly, racing to the protection of the bush covering our back fence.  But that wasn’t good enough for me.  I transferred my full efforts in his direction.  Although I couldn’t see him, I grabbed a branch of the bush and shook it mightily.  He scampered out the other side and ran as fast as his fat little legs could carry him.  Sensing victory I raised both fists into the air and cheered my accomplishment.  The imaginary crowd cheered. 

I came inside and reported on the victory to my commanding officer.  She advised me to go spray some peppermint water by the dog door.  I did that.  Then I doused the fences and the cables as well.  Stay away, evil ratons.  Stay away.

Philippians 4:9 says, “Whatever you have learned or received from me, or seen in me – put it into practice.  And the God of peace will be with you.”

Father, please get Chris back on healing track.  She’s been pretty miserable.  Amen.

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