Wednesday, August 28, 2019

August 28 – “… be very careful out there today”

So Sunday we were preparing to leave the church for the beach to do two baptisms.  As I stood near the door, beach towel in hand, I was approached by a tiny child.  It was a little girl who attended with the American Girl group who had been in our retreat center for the weekend.  I’m pretty sure she was too young to have been an actual participant in the retreat.  She couldn’t have been more than six years old.  Cute as a button, though. 

She marched right up to me and said, “I need to talk to you.”  Well, OK then.  I was immediately intrigued.  So I bent down so I could hear her.  I didn’t have my hearing aids in, so I anticipated a bout of hearing childish sounds and struggling to piece together meanings.  Let’s just say, I needn’t have worried.

She saw that she had my undivided attention before beginning her topic of concern.  A look of serious compassion spread across her chubby little cheeks.  No smiles here.  All business.  I was drawn even more into this web of interest standing in front of me.  And then she spoke.  And the anticipated childish sounds were not at all what spewed forth.  Nay.  Before me stood instead a tiny little adult.  At least her words were oh-so adultish.

“Here’s what I need to tell you,” she began in her matter-of-fact, just-the-facts-Jack way.  “My sister over there (She turned and pointed with awe and respect to one of the older girls in the room) has been researching sharks.  In this area there are bottlenosed and several other types of sharks in the water.  So you need to be very careful out there today.”  Message delivered.  She nodded her head ever so slightly to indicate I was dismissed, turned and skipped away to join the other girls. 

Well, OK then.  I had been duly warned.  That was the first time I have ever been cautioned to watch out for sharks during a baptism.  Never by an adult … and certainly never by a cute little munchkin.  Thanks for the warning, my little friend.  I will remember your words every time we have a baptism.

Revelation 21:4 says, “He will wipe every tear from their eyes.  There will be no more mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

Father, thank you for sending that youngster to deliver a warning to me Sunday.  Bless her for her efforts to minister to me.  Amen.

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