Friday, June 23, 2017

June 23 – “A natural phenomenon”

Whew.  Catching up is a tiring thing, isn’t it?  So … fixing the sound on the TV was not a difficult task at all.  As you might imagine, Mr. Tech here had it all under control.  I unplugged everything, plugged it back in, and let it all reset.  Bingo.  All’s right with the world.  I still think I need to pick up a spare TV though.  Strictly for storm coverage backup, you understand.  If you agree, please send your words of encouragement to Chris.

After our long day of travel and late night arrival, neither of us felt much like doing anything on Wednesday but watching the weather.  We both kept falling asleep all throughout the day.  I remember waking up one time to answer the phone.  It was the Seaside worship pastor.  Jim was calling about the fire sprinkler system guy informing us about another inspection that was due.  It would involve a few more hundred dollars.  I gave him an appropriate answer.  Thank you for handling that, by the way, Jim.  We did stay awake long enough to make our Walmart supply run.  It was not much different than any other tourist Wednesday.  There seemed to be fewer batteries, and the water aisle was low.  Otherwise, it was business as usual.  And rightly so, as it all turned out.  Tropical Storm Cindy decided to head up the Sabine River.  Knew right where that was, too.  We crossed it a time or two. 

So about that Tropical Storm … We had some high winds and a few drops of rain.  Well, maybe more than a few drops, but certainly not tropical storm quality stuff.  Jamaica Beach made the news and was a big hit on social media because of the tides.  The whole back half of the community gets under water at big high tides anyway.  Add the little bit of a storm surge that we had, and you get water-covered streets.  A “natural phenomenon” playground for local kiddos.  I understand Sea Isle was a little wet as well. 

Oh, and we just realized that not once did I remember to use the selfie stick.  Even brought it along special for the occasion.  Sigh.  I guess everything was such a “whirlwind” that I forgot …

James 2:1 says, “My brothers, as believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, don't show favoritism.”

Father, thank you for Jim taking care of things at Seaside.  Bless him for that.  And be with the folks who are bearing the brunt of the storm.  Amen.

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