Saturday, March 5, 2016

March 5 – “Vomitus operandi”

OK.  Crisis of all crises.  Luke had the very first vomiting incident of his young career yesterday.  He made it through a few years without remembering such a devastating experience.  I’m fairly certain he had a few when he was tiny tot learning how to do basic things like eat, but since he has become a sentient being, there has been no recollection.  Of course he handled it like a trooper.  I understand after it was all over with he went directly into educational mode.  Coolly compared his vomitus operandi with that of his older brothers.  “Bubba goes bleahh.”  Yes, Luke, he does.  As do most of us at one time or another. 

We got all this information as a result of a FaceTime call.  The vomiting had become a thing of the past, but he was nursing a subsequent sore spot on his head.  Seems he had a rather rousing collision with … the ceiling.  Hey, when you grow up in a house full of boys (two brothers and a sometimes over-zealous Daddy reliving his early years with his very special friend and constant companion, My Buddy), the sky’s the limit, so to speak (or in this case maybe the ceiling), of what strange and wonderful things can occur in the course of a typical afternoon.  How did it happen, you may ask?  Well, it could have been one of a myriad of things.  Was he a cute little monkey, jumping on the bed?  Was he perhaps the stone in a massive catapult fashioned by his brothers out of Legos?  Was he simply practicing his gymnastics floor exercise routine for the 2032 Olympics?  Was it a screen test for riding a tauntaun in one of the upcoming Star Wars movies?  Or could it possibly have been a slight miscalculation of ceiling height change on the part of the Lone Ranger’s trusty steed at the point of dismount?  Sorry.  My lips are sealed.  Luke is fine.  Life event number 37 … vomiting … check.

Revelation 2:5 says, “Repent and do the things you did at first.”

Father, please keep the rest of the family safe from the bug Luke has.  Amen.

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