Tuesday, March 15, 2016

March 15 – “The Web … no, really”

I just walked outside to get the morning newspaper.  Yes, we are still among those dinosaurs who have the paper delivered and enjoy perusing the printed page with a morning cup of coffee before starting our day.  Although Chris generally double checks what she reads with an online news source … often before she even gets out of bed.  She just can’t bring herself to fully trust what she affectionately calls The Daily Gossip.  I, on the other hand, can’t wait to get the paper.  First I have to check and see whether I am listed in the obituaries.  Failing that (thankfully), I continue on with a look at every page in there.  So, it was important that I was retrieving my morning jolt of news. 

At least it was until I walked right into one of those hidden spider webs that had been surreptitiously constructed during the night, stretching between our front yard tree and the front door of car parked in the driveway.  That’s not so unusual in itself, mind you.  And I respect the hard work our spider neighbors do at maintaining some semblance of control over the bug population.  But the strand that I ran into was exactly at eye level.  Strange feeling to suddenly have a strand of sticky spider web draped across both eyes.  Temporary blindness.  Frantic flailing of my arms and wiping of my face.  Those situations have to be some of the funniest ever for an outside observer, don’t you think?  From afar there is no discernible intruder.  Just a strange human being waving his arms and slapping himself in the face.  Perhaps sometimes, though not in this particular case, also adding a particularly girlish scream into the mix.  Go on.  Imagine it right now.  It has to bring forth at least a chuckle. 

Yeah.  So … not exactly excited about having that happen again.  Ever.  Gotta love the spiritual applications, though.  Sometimes circumstances can rise up literally overnight and catch you totally unawares, temporarily blinding you to what you know to be the guidelines of God.  Others watching you wallow in your worries don’t necessarily see the real cause of your distress.  To them you appear to be struggling with thin air, with nothing.  And they may even say things like, “Get over it” or “What’s your problem?” or “How hard can it be?”  you want to lash out at them, but to be honest, they are well down on your list of priorities at the moment.  All you can think about are the circumstances you are drowning in.  Whew.  Ever been there?  It’s not fun.  But it doesn’t have to be a permanent state of affairs either.  Usually isn’t.  Best approach is always to stop being frantic for a second.  Look up in prayer first.  Then, with the wisdom (and peace) of a divine set of eyes, begin to deal with your circumstances.  The answer might be as easily forthcoming as an “Oh, of course” moment.  It may require actually asking for help with that one particularly sticky part of the web that just keeps hanging on to your ear, annoying you over and over again.  But once it is removed, the feeling is oh-so wonderful.  May God be with you today in your web cleaning.

Psalms 5:3 says “In the morning, O Lord, You will hear my voice; In the morning I will order my prayer to You and eagerly watch.”

Father, be with all of us as we clean off the annoying webs of circumstance that keep us from really connecting with you.  Amen.

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