Friday, July 31, 2015

July 31 – “Empty”

Well, Christina, Kel and I got that Baby Bertha U-Haul filled up to the gills by ourselves yesterday.  The only truck available was also one of the smallest ones they have, a ten-footer.  We had to get that big couch in, plus two big chairs and a few smaller ones, their dining table, plus, of course, all of the, “OK, we’re done with this box” and “Oh, well, here’s this that we forgot about” extra bonus stuff.  We managed to get all the really big stuff in, though.  Even the motorized riding jeep, the big wagon, and the big riding toy car.  Thing is … we also loaded up our pickup truck and their car and even had a few things in our car.  But that house is empty.  Some ladies from their church came over to help Christina get the place cleaned up, so it looks really good as well. 

Now are you ready for this?  They have to have the smaller U-Haul emptied and back to the dealer by 8 p.m. tonight, or 7 a.m. tomorrow morning, whichever is easier.  I have a wedding tonight, so I can’t be of much help.  One of the couples in our home group volunteered to go up to help them, though.  That is if Chris can babysit their two kids.  We’ll see how that goes.  The bigger truck is scheduled to be emptied Saturday morning.  Great way to start off the month, don’t you think?  I can help with that one.  Unless Chris and Heather finish them both off tonight. 

After going with Chris to WalMart to stock up for our home group party last night I tried to take a nap, er, I mean I watched part of the movie Frozen with Noa.  As I returned from each doze segment I asked for an update on what was happening.  How did that little snow man become animated?  Why was the sister’s hair now turning white?  Sounds like there is a plot in there somewhere, but I was just too tired to follow it.  Sigh.  Sorry, Cailyn.  I still haven’t seen Frozen.  My biggest problem was not trying to stay awake, however.  It was the leg cramps I kept having that woke me up.  Really bad ones, too.  In my inner thigh.  Now I have learned to deal with cramps in the hamstrings and the calves, but I have never had one like these.  Which way do you twist to stretch it?  I couldn’t reach it to massage it because that caused my back and arms to cramp up.  Yeowch.  It finally passed, after I gave up on sleeping and started walking around again.  I hoped I could catch up last night, but alas, they returned.  Didn’t get much sleep and woke up Chris with my groans.  I finally gave up around 5:30 or so and got up.  Maybe I can squeeze in a nap this afternoon before the wedding I have to officiate tonight. 

Philippians 4:4 says, “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!”

Father, I could sure use some sleep today.  And some relief from these leg cramps.  Thank you for our success at getting the house emptied.  Grant us the same in unloading.  Amen.

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