Tuesday, July 21, 2015

July 21 – “Right away”

Update on yesterday’s definitions.  “Right away” was still up in the air at press time, so I thought I would post the final tally so you could update your definitions page.

Right away” – actually means “I’ll make a call to the deliverer and he’ll swing back by when he finishes his route and has a fourth or fifth cup of coffee.  Don’t expect him for at least 54 minutes.”

Thanks, guys.  I finally got my paper - delivered literally to my front door.  And then, when Chris and I left later that afternoon to go pick up a prescription, lo and behold.  There was yet another newspaper sitting in our front yard by the tree.  I do appreciate the double show of love, but I’m really happy with just one.

Now speaking of projects, another one is about to get off the launching pad.  We stopped at Home Depot again and came home with some peg board to install over the workbench.  We’ll see if I have time to get to that one today.  That would be after water exercise class and the eleven o’clock outdoor wedding I have scheduled.  Oh, and of course after I do some work on the teaching for Sunday.

We had a surprise visit from one of our “daughters” from the past.  Katie stopped by to say hi and ended up staying several hours.  It was great to hear about her experiences as a sign language teacher over the past year or so since we saw her last.  Always good to see how God has been using the people he put into our lives. 

I received an invitation yesterday.  It was from the retired fire fighters association that apparently is starting back up again after a lapse of some kind.  They were just inviting me to join them for their meetings once a month, usually at a local restaurant.  Now I considered that to be quite an honor to be remembered by them.  And I’m excited that yet another avenue for ministry is opening up in that sector.  Now to set about carving an extra piece of the time pie …

Philippians 2:4 says, “Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.”

Father, thank you for always giving me just enough time to do what you call me to do.  Amen.  

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