Thursday, July 16, 2015

July 16 – “A what?”

VBS Day Three: We had 22 kids yesterday.  Several brand new attendees.  And with that many kids came some new … challenges.  As they all began to get familiar with the songs and with each other, it became apparent that the time had come for going a little wild and crazy during the singing segment.  With the motions that accompany the songs, it is pretty much like dancing anyway, so it was but a short trip to leaping and frolicking and running around in uncontrolled circles – abandoning themselves to the fun/chaos of the moment.  Sure looked like fun to me.  And what participation I managed to involve myself in was indeed quite fun.  I hate it when pain prevents me from being childlike.  That’s the worst part of this whole rheumatoid arthritis/spinal stenosis/bulging disk ordeal. It didn’t take long for Lauren to step in and regain absolute control over the group, though.  And she did it with a whisper, not a whistle.  Amazing. 

My “favorite kid moment” I heard from my office as I worked on Sunday’s Sermon.  From what I could gather, they were in craft time working on individual paintings of the fiery furnace of Shadrak, Meshak, and Abednego.  The idea seemed to be for the kids to first use crayons to draw the base of the picture.  Then they were to go over the top with those water based paints.  Wherever there was crayon, the paint wouldn’t stick.  Kind of like decorating Easter eggs.  As the teacher explained the process to the younger kids, I heard her say, “You will get a really cool water color effect.”  To which one of the kids immediately replied, “A what?  What’s that?”  How do you explain the nuances of water color effect to a six-year-old?  Gotta give that teacher credit, though.  She managed to communicate the concept, and the pictures were amazing. 

Psalms 37:37 says, “Consider the blameless, observe the upright; there is a future for the man of peace.”

Father, thank you for questioning minds and creative concepts.  Even among six-year-olds.  Amen.

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