Saturday, July 19, 2014

July 19 – “Snook”

Yesterday was truly a Cailyn kind of day.  Of course since she was here, it had little chance of being anything else.  We played a game of catch.  Well, not with a baseball.  Or even a softball.  No, not with Cailyn.  We played with a rolled-up blanket.  Odd?  Yes.  But actually quite challenging as well.  The thing kept coming unrolled in midair.  And when it didn’t, it almost knocked her down.  But mix that challenge with the hilarity of her laughter and you have the makings of a fun game.

We watched some goofy videos on my FaceBook feed.  At least there you know there is some semblance of control over content.  She has learned how to get to You Tube, so we have to watch what she ends up with.  Even with the iphone she asks Siri for some princess videos and ends up with some pretty strange stuff, much of which should be at least R-rated. 

I guess the highlight of the day was our trip to WalMart.  For me, of course, it was all about watching people.  I guess it was the bad weather, but there were just not that many people there.  All the tourists must have been holed up in their hotel rooms.  We did accomplish the other thing we came for.  We bought some jars and pectin so Chris and Cailyn could make some jelly.  Betty brought over two huge bags full of figs the other day, and we had some strawberries, so now we are stocked with strawberry-fig jelly.  I know we’ll probably end up giving a lot of it away, but it is really good stuff.  I’ll get my share of jelly biscuits and jelly toast. 

I do have to share one Cailyn anecdote.  She actually told me what to write in my blog that morning, so I suppose her creative juices were still flowing.  Out of the blue she came up to my desk and began:
“One time while you were asleep me and Mommy and Daddy came to your house and we had a key and we snook into your bedroom and moved stuff all around but it was OK ‘cause we put it back together before you woke up in the morning and you and Nani didn’t even know we were there.”
Whew.  All one long sentence, I know.  But that’s how she said it.  I was out of breath listening to her.  Now I’m not sure when that little escapade may have occurred, and Nathan and his family are certainly welcome in our house at any time, but I was – and still am – stuck on that one little turn of the phrase she used.  You know what I’m talking about, don’t you?  “We snook in …”  I have always had trouble with the past tense of “sneak” myself.  What is it supposed to be, anyway?  Sneaked?  Snuck? Snucked?  Sneak-ted?  Hey, as far as I’m concerned, “snook” is as good as any of the other options.  Let’s start a “snook-y” campaign to get it past the editorial powers that be at Webster’s and snook it into the next edition of their dictionary. 

1 Thessalonians 5:1-2 says “Now, brothers, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.”

Father, I supposed you know more about “snook-ing” than anybody.  Help us to be ready for coming.  Amen.

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