Wednesday, October 9, 2013

October 9 – “Italian tastiness”

I made it through water therapy again yesterday before embarking on a full day of sermon preparation.  Our days of being just a tad on the edgy side have officially begun.  From now until little Luke makes his appearance into the world, a part of us will be constantly on the lookout for that call from Josh and Christi that will mean it is time for us to make a quick trip to Waco.  As I understand it, every day she makes it past this week without delivering is icing on the cake as far as her “usual” delivery schedule goes.  The due date is not until early November, but Christi has a pattern of being somewhat impatient when it comes to seeing her new babies.  Now, I have a memorial service to officiate this Saturday, but beyond that … come on, Luke.

Speaking of that memorial service, I had another meeting with the family yesterday to finalize things and give them an idea of what the flow of the service will look like.  I was going to meet them at their house, but they called back and suggested meeting at a fairly new little Italian restaurant around the corner from our house.  I hadn’t been there yet.  In fact I didn’t even know the place was there.  I never take that route for any of my trips, so it just wasn’t on my radar.  As it turned out, the place was really nice.  Very clean, and the lady who waited on us was very nice.  I think she and her husband run the place.  There was no one there but us at the time, so I don’t know how well they are doing.  Jim ordered two different appetizers for us to munch on while we talked.  Very strange creations.  One was a piece of French bread with a tomato slice, some kind of white stuff that I assumed was some kind of cheese, and a leaf from a tree on top of that.  I guess the leaf was spinach or something.  I’m not too good at recognizing anything other than sycamore leafs.  It was actually pretty tasty.  The second one was some kind of fried ball of stuff with that ragu-looking sauce poured on it.  When we cut inside, it had rice and peas and some kind of melted cheese.  There was probably more stuff, but that was all I could recognize.  Whatever it was, it sure tasted good.  I would order it again if I knew what it was called.  Guess if we ever go back I could just ask for the rice pea cheese fried ball of Italian yummy.  They could probably market it under that name, don’t you think?  And you want to know the best part about my whole culinary experience yesterday?  When I got home Chris had made supper.  You guessed it.  Spaghetti and garlic bread. 

Psalms 115:14-15 says, “May the Lord make you increase, both you and your children.  May you be blessed by the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.”

Father, thank you for new experiences with my senses.  Makes me appreciate your creative genius all the more.  Amen.

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