Monday, October 21, 2013

October 21 – “Monday”

Monday.  Has kind of a gloomy ring to it, doesn’t it?  Especially on a day like today when the skies are dark and cloudy and another week stretches out before you.  But, hey.  Consider where you have just been.  I don’t know what your past week looked like, but you made it through, right?  And today is one more chance you have been given to begin the rest of whatever is next.  Always helps me to change my perspective when I get depressed.  You never know what might happen next, so approach it with a sense of anticipation and excitement.  Today might be the day Luke is born.  Today is the day someone will discover that Jesus is all he needs.  Clouds bring storms.  Storms bring rain.  Rain brings new life.  New life brings excitement.  Monday.  Doesn’t have to be so gloomy after all. 

Still no baby in the Josh and Christi Vaughan house.  I guess Caleb is hanging on to his “youngest” status as long as he can before giving in and accepting the middle child role.  Of course I think he will manage just fine.  He has just the balance of creativity and self- assurance that he needs.  He will find ways to make his presence known and carry the middle child mantle proudly.  Hang in there, Caleb. 

Speaking of storms, the kids’ sermon was an interesting one yesterday.  I told them I had been struggling with something we could talk about, but I couldn’t think of anything.  I really needed their help.  As a result they started suggesting all manner of things we could discuss.  We brainstormed together for a few minutes before I suggested that we think of something that was related to the Bible story we were about to hear.  That way the adults could learn something as well.  I gave them a quick summary of the story – Disciples on a boat in a storm, Peter walking on the water to Jesus, taking his eyes off of him and almost sinking, and crying out for help.  And then it hit me.  I had asked them for help, just like Peter asked Jesus.  And they helped me, just like Jesus helped Peter.  So they were being like Jesus when they helped me.  I thanked them and we prayed together, asking Jesus to help us all be more like him every day.  It was a fun connection to make, and you certainly can’t beat having a goal of being like Jesus.    

Psalms 118:5-7 says, “In my anguish I cried to the Lord, and he answered by setting me free.  The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid.  What can man do to me?  The Lord is with me; he is my helper.”

Father, thank you for that promise to be there with me.  Oh, and the being set free is a great one, too.  Amen.

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