Monday, September 30, 2013

September 30 – “School upgrades”

One of the benefits of Cailyn enjoying school is that we get to hear her perspective on some of the things they do.  We have heard the “months of the year” song and the “days of the week” song already, and she has them absolutely down pat.  I sure wish I would have had something like that.  I always had a terrible time remembering the months.  It took hooking them onto something for me.  January was first, so it was easy.  February had Valentine’s Day in it.  That meant candy.  March meant baseball season was about to begin.  April was tough for me.  There was no real holiday in there, no birthdays of people I knew.  Just rainy season on the Island and never-ending school.  May meant school was about to be out for the summer.  June was the first month of vacation.  July was fireworks.  August was my birthday.  September meant school was starting again (Yep.  We didn’t have to go back until September in the olden days).  October was Halloween.  November was Thanksgiving and the Turkey Bowl.  And of course December was Christmas.  Gotta love living from event to event. 

Cailyn taught us another song she learned.  I’m not sure of the context other than the obvious assumption you can draw from hearing it.  It went something like:
“Sunny day, rainy day, cloudy day so gray. 
What’s the day look like today? 
Can we go outside to play?”
Would that be for a lesson on the weather?  Or maybe just something to say to give a reason for having to stay inside at recess?  Or do they even have recess anymore?  Gotta be better than the recesses we used to have.  Now they have full-blown playground equipment on the school grounds.  We had to make up our own games.  Classics like tag and Olympic races and who can argue the loudest without getting in trouble with the teacher.

We also got some more insight into Cailyn’s Mom.  Calm down, April.  It wasn’t anything too embarrassing this time.  She was playing with some of our toys that are, by the way leftovers of her Dad’s and uncles’.  And one of the little creatures inspired her to say, “Aww, look.  Mom’s favorite, favorite, favorite animal in the whole wide world is an owl.”  Well, I didn’t know that.  Chris apparently did, though.  She referred me to a certain tattoo that April sports.  So there you have it.  Owl lady.  Harry Potter would be proud.  Gives me some ideas for Christmas presents …

Psalms 113:5-6 says, “Who is like the Lord our God, the One who sits enthroned on high, who stoops down to look on the heavens and the earth?”

Father, thank you for all the cool tools for learning about your world.  Amen.

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