Friday, September 27, 2013

September 27 – “A Geometry Lesson”

Water therapy comes mighty early.  Starts at 7:45 in the morning.  Thursday is Jessica Day, though.  She is the young instructor who isn’t afraid to make us actually work out.  And on top of the aerobics we also worked on abs, so a lot of folks will be sore today.  Strangely, though, my midsection is doing just fine. Kind of sore in my joints, though.  They’ll get stretched out later on this morning, though.  I’m struggling with either going fishing or mowing the grass.  Both need to happen pretty desperately.  We’ll see which one wins after we get Cailyn to school.

I tried out my new chaplain shirt by going by the hospital to see one of the fire fighters who was admitted on Wednesday.  He wasn’t in his room, though.  I assumed he was having some kind of test, so I left him a note.  I’ll have to check on him again today.  On the way home I stopped by Randall’s to stock up on some Starbucks Satsuma coffee beans.  No wait.  That should be Sumatra.  Does make a difference. 

I had to pause for a moment to take Cailyn to school.  On the way there she asked me a challenge question out of the blue:
“DadDad, do you know what to call two lines that never touch?”
OK, wait a minute.  Isn’t that a geometry question?  I wasn’t sure where she was going with it, so I just gave up and asked “What?”
She answered simply and assuredly, “Parallel.”
Indeed.  It was a geometry question.  I told her, “I didn’t learn that stuff until I was in eighth grade.  And I was twelve or thirteen years old.”
She was quite proud.  Proud enough to question me a little further.  She was kind, though.  She switched from geometry to a simple history question: “What was your teacher’s name when you were four?”
I guess she was concerned about the quality of education they used to have in the old days.  The thing is, I didn’t start school until I was five.  So I skipped ahead a bit and told her it was Mrs. Pate.  She misunderstood my diction and exclaimed, “Mrs. Hate?” 
I hastened to correct her, “No.  No.  Pate.  Mrs. Pate.”
Her answer?  “Oh.  Mrs. Pate … with a letter P.”
That’s my girl.

Well, back to the day today.  It’s too late now to go fishing, so it looks like mowing the grass wins.  I’ll wait until after 8 a.m., though.  Don’t want to upset the neighbors who may be sleeping in. 

Psalms 113:1 says, “Praise the Lord.  Praise, O servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord.”

Father, thank you for the excitement in learning I got see in Cailyn’s face and hear in her voice.  Give her that same excitement for you.  Amen.

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