Saturday, September 28, 2013

September 28 – “Bad stories”

Well, yard work won out over fishing yesterday.  I had to take Cailyn to school, so I missed the window for getting in the water early enough for the good fishing.  I guess it was a needed thing, though.  Both yards got mowed and edged and whatever you call what you do with a weedeater along the fence lines and such.  I also did some trimming of trees and bushes.  That was a chore.  I always enjoy chopping at the oleander bush.  It blocks our vision when we are backing out of the driveway, so it takes some serious hits once I get started.  We trimmed the bushes in front of the house for the first time since we planted them back after Hurricane Ike.  I guess that was sometime in 2009.  Chris also gave me the go to rip out the periwinkles that were doing their best to take over the hedges space.  Those things pop up everywhere now, and we never planted them.  Another gift from Ike.  The last thing we attacked was the other bush in that front bed.  I don’t know what it is called, but it has blue flowers and had totally engulfed the lilies that were supposed to be sharing the space. 

By the time I finished there I was totally spent.  I could barely get the shears put away and make my way back into the house.  It took me quite a while to recover, too.  I guess the combination of much heat, some hard work, and a tired old body just didn’t work so well.  And that tired old body is sure feeling it today.  Come on, water exercise, you’re supposed to be helping me get into shape for simple stuff like this. 

Here’s a great quotation from three year-old Josiah to make your morning.  He had just had a nightmare and Mommy was trying to calm him down and get him to go back to sleep.  That was proving to be a problem, as he was really fighting it.  His reasoning was certainly understandable: “I can’t close my eyes.  There’s a bad story in there.” 

Gotta watch out for those bad stories, little man.

Psalms 113:2-3 says, “Let the name of the Lord be praised, both now and forevermore.  From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised.”

Father, send a boatload of happy stories into Josiah’s dreams.  Amen.

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