Monday, December 24, 2012

December 24 – “What really matters”

We had an unexpected visitor at church yesterday.  It was a lady who we helped out last year about this time.  He’s still struggling but doing much better.  She decided that driving to Baytown to go to the only church had ever known was just too far.  A nice “end result” kind of story about doing ministry.

Jimmy, our worship team lead singer, had a pretty bad sore throat.  As a result he could only play guitar and sing ever so softly.  His dad stepped up to take up the slack, but he was fighting a tickle in his throat as well.  That’s when one of the young ladies in congregation, Dana, said she would join in to help.  Very pretty voice.  Maybe she’ll stick with it when she can. 

One fellow stopped in for a few minutes just before worship started.  He grabbed a cup of coffee and I was able to talk to him for a bit.  Seems he had been to Seaside years ago and as a result of the encounter he got involved with our AA group and eventually came to Jesus.  Said he still remembered the teaching from that day.  “You took us into the Old Testament.  There were two brothers.  Totally different.  One did what he was supposed to.  The other not so much.  See, I have a brother.  I was the ‘not so much’ one.  But God changed me.”  He encouraged the church to hang in there no matter what difficulties we might run into, “with money or whatever,” because “you never know who all you are helping.”  Wow.  Now that was the most encouraging ten minutes I have had in a long time.  He couldn’t stay for the service, but his spirit of reassurance will stay with me for a long time.

Now to prepare for the Christmas Eve service tonight.  Gotta remember to pick up the donuts that we give away.  But that’s another ministry story …

Psalms 49:16-19 says, “Do not be overawed when a man grows rich, when the splendor of his house increases; for he will take nothing with him when he dies, his splendor will not descend with him.  Though while he lived he counted himself blessed — and men praise you when you prosper — he will join the generation of his fathers, who will never see the light [of life].”

Father, thank you for the reminders yesterday of what really matters.  Amen.

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