Sunday, April 18, 2010

April 18 – “Make it enough”


This morning started out really difficult for me.  I knew I was teaching on the grief process, basically how David handled grief when his first son with  Bathsheba died.  I honestly have not been looking forward to this one at all.  In the sequence of David's life that we have been following, it actually should have come up several weeks ago.  Not long after Josh, the thirteen-year-old member of our church, died.  Right about then God started leading me to do several teachings from the New Testament.  I wasn't sure why then.  I think I know now.  I wasn't ready.  And it wasn't His time.  Today was. 


That didn't really make it much easier.  In fact, I suddenly realized before church started that I was a wreck.  I went into my office to get a lock wrench to hook onto the toilet handle in the nursery bathroom so they could flush it.  I couldn't get the tool kit to close properly.  I knocked over a whole tub of pens.  I knocked several trays onto the floor.  I kept forgetting to do little insignificant things I always do to prepare for worship every week, and it frustrated me.  I was worried about Mom being at church and being in pain.  I was even worried that we wouldn't have enough food for dinner on the grounds, and that never bothers me.  I got the wrench on the toilet, and it flushed itself from the weight.  Great.  I readjusted it so it would require some human assistance. 


I finally realized what was happening when I was setting up the video clip and visual verse for the day.  Jeremiah 29:11.  Easy to choose what to put at the bottom of the blog.  Even if it is a repeat.  I stopped what I was doing and just sat back for a minute or two.  I prayed.  I asked God to forgive my frustrations and fill me with his Spirit.  I took a few deep breaths.  And I continued on.  And it was better.


We really didn't have that much food.  I'm sure several people decided not to stay.  I talked one guy into sticking around to try some of Chris' bean soup.  When it came time to pray I kept it simple.  I asked God to "please make it enough."  We had leftovers.  Not many leftovers, but some.  Even on the only dessert.


While we were eating one of our newest members said to me that she believed the way we do things at Seaside – "the worship style, the way you do the stories, just everything" – was absolutely perfect for this place and this time.  If she only knew how important that encouragement was to me at this particular point in time.  God knew.


Jeremiah 29:11 says, "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'"


Father, thank you once again for knowing just what I needed just when I needed it.  Please keep using Seaside to make a difference in people's lives. 

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