Tuesday, March 8, 2022

March 8 – “Bahoorookah”

I received an early-morning text from our neighbor’s daughter.  She reminded me that her mom was having surgery over at UTMB that morning.  She had picked her up at 4:30 a.m., so she brought her dog over to spend the day in his crate at Grandma’s house.  She asked if I wouldn’t mind letting him outside for a bit.  I assured her I would take care of it and headed right over. 


He was a sweet old thing.  Pure bred beagle named Lu.  He went right outside after a brief detour into the garage.  Hey, he was a bit disoriented, after all.  And when he was ready to come back in, he barked.  Well, I think it was a bark.  Some kind of horrendous noise came out of his mouth, anyway.  Sounded something like “Bahoorookah.”  Hard to spell it. 


According to her instructions, I had a treat for her to get her back into the kennel.  Didn’t really need it.  He went right in.  I offered the treat in my hand.  He sniffed it.  Then he looked at me, pushed at my hand, then bounced his nose on the ground.  Well, OK.  I obediently set the treat where he had indicated, and he gobbled it up.  That was one smart critter.  Oh, and the dog was pretty intelligent, too.


Proverbs 31:20 says, “She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.”


Father, please be with our neighbor Linda as she recuperates from her surgery.  And grant that sweet old beagle a restful, calm life as well.  Amen.

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