Friday, March 18, 2022

March 18 – “Oh, my bad”

Chris headed to rehab once again.  After that one she only has two left.  Today and Tuesday.  Getting oh so close. 


While she was gone, I took the truck to Dennis’ shop to get it inspected.  It was good to see and talk to him.  He just had a heart attack and is waiting for a second stent to be put in in another week or two.  He seems to be doing pretty well.  Great attitude.


From there I went on downtown to get the registration sticker for the truck.  I arrived a few minutes before nine, and there were only two people ahead of me.  And as it turned out, only one was ready to conduct his business when called to the window.  The second one gestured me to go on ahead, so I followed those instructions gladly and with appreciation.  That’s the fewest people who have ever been in that line, and certainly the quickest I have ever been served. 


On the way home I stopped by the fire station (station one) to chat with the guys there.  Must have been eight or ten of them around for some reason or other.  It is always great to see them when they get a chance to relax a little bit.  This time they were discussing everything from the ever-present smell of smoke in their hair to trials and tribulations with vehicles.  One story told of the time a fire fighter was in an elevator.  When someone got in and joined him, they immediately wondered aloud if something was burning.  Nope.  It was his hair.  Another time the truck pulled up to a call and the fire fighter put on his helmet, remarking as he did, that this must be a big fire, judging by the smell.  When the others looked at him like he was crazy, he took a whiff of his helmet and declared, “Oh, my bad.”  The funniest vehicle story was of a time when the driver of a newly installed rebuilt engine in a truck was driving down a busy street.  Suddenly the entire cab started shaking.  In his words, “I felt like I was about to re-enter earth’s atmosphere.”  He managed to get it pulled over, and the mechanics diagnosed the problem.  It was really good to enjoy this kind of entertainment for a while.


The rest of the day we watched college basketball on TV.  Baylor decimated the 16 seed they were pitted against.  Kentucky was not so lucky.  They were a 2 seed.  Lost to a 15 seed.  Ouch.  More games today.


We also hosted a mini-pizza-party (not mini pizzas, just a few people, so I guess it would be more accurate to say, pizza mini-party).  The purpose was to finish out Sam’s birthday jigsaw puzzle.  She brought over the pizzas.  Lauren and Cathy brought the puzzle expertise.  We got it all finished in plenty of time before home group started.  And speaking of finished, we also completed the Book of Judges study last night.  Moving on to the Book of Ruth next …


James 1:27 says, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: Not look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”


Father, thank you for the fire fighters and the camaraderie they feel with each other.  Keep them safe.  Amen.


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