Saturday, March 5, 2022

March 5 – “Clipper Guy”

The day started innocently enough.  Chris headed to cardiac rehab.  Just seven left to go.  I did some puzzle work.  I also chatted on the phone with Josh for a bit while he walked with MaddieBelle.  His kids were in co-op and Christi had a doctor’s appointment.  While we were talking, she called, so we postponed for a while.  All was good on her front.  They just had to make some arrangements for transportation for a double date their sons were going on that evening … or something like that. 


The day’s innocence all but disappeared after lunch.  Back into the yard.  Once again Chris was determined to start cleaning out her flower beds.  But once again that didn’t happen.  I walked out with her, and the flower bed idea derailed in favor of a bigger project that we had been putting off for at least three or four Springs.  Now was the time to get really adventurous, I suppose.  We jumped in the truck and headed over to Home Depot.  There we bought some 4X4 posts and a few straps to screw on top of them.  We did some measuring and leveling and eyeballing, followed by post hole digging and undigging and post setting and post pulling back out to adjust heights.  Finally, the two new posts had taken their places in the back flower bed, flanking the wisteria bush.  The existing metal fence bar was strapped into place.  The excess portion of the bar was cut off with that glorious invention called the Sawzall.  And the project was complete.  Well, sort of.  Now the bush has something to climb over and grasp onto.  Of course, then we had to trim the bush itself way back, but it usually grows really fast in the Springtime. 


While I had the clippers working, I also trimmed back the evil demon devil boogervilla bush with the deadly thorns.  And since I was in such a clipping mood (she called me something.  I think it was … her Clipper Guy, or something like that.  Sniff.  She has never had a pet name for me before in all our 46 years of marriage.  I was touched), she suggested I attack the rose bush as well.  That done, she noticed the vine that grows over the fence from our neighbor’s yard.  Got that one, too.  Sadly, she never got to her flower beds.  Well, not exactly.  Working from the top down, I guess.  But I feel certain their day will come.


OK.  Here it comes.  You knew it was coming.  I don’t even really need to say it, do I?  But I will.  Ready?  I’m sore.


Jeremiah 31:25 says, “I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.”


Father, thank you for our backyard successes yesterday.  It’s the little things … Amen.


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