Wednesday, July 1, 2020

July 1 – “The Dream Critter”

Let’s get July started with a rousing rendition of my latest colorful dream.  This one happened inside our house.  A strange noise caught my attention.  I glanced to my left and saw a tiny hummingbird smacking itself against the window like a june bug trying to get outside.  What in the world was a hummingbird doing inside?  Ever the helpful one, I went over to be of assistance.  I opened the window and removed the screen.  As I sat the screen on the floor, I noticed a second creature lurking around.  This one was furry and about Freddy’s size.  It was white and brown and had a face that looked like a weasel’s.  It was timid, but came right up to me when I bent down.  Even let me pick it up and snuggle a bit.  I sat it back down and finished replacing the screen and closing the window.  It was gone when I turned my attention back to it, though.  Intrigued, I called out “Here, kitty, kitty, kitty.”  Hey, I didn’t know what it was, and it kind of looked a little like a cat.  Sure enough the beast peeked its head out from around a corner.  Again it came right up to me and I picked it up.  This time I took it to the bedroom where Chris was still sleeping.  Freddy was in the bed with her.  I put our new little friend down on the bed to see Freddy’s reaction.  She looked up, yawned, and went back to sleep.  Chris did pretty much the same thing.  The creature meanwhile slowly disappeared into the folds under Chris’ pillow.  Good morning, world!

Quick Chris update.  She is still sore.  Partly from the surgery itself.  Still some soreness from before the shot.  Well, not the same soreness.  She can detect the throb that was there, but now it’s not as starkly painful as it was.  Guess that’s a good thing.  She has also had a headache since the surgery.  Well, she had that before the procedure.  Probably something to do with the spike in her blood pressure.  Her other doctor is watching that with us.  We have to take it once a day at different times and keep a record.  She doesn’t have nearly as fabulous a nurse as I have when I am down, but I’m doing my best to hover.

1 Corinthians 8:6 says, “There is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.”

Father, thanks for dream critters.  And please awaken the pain-reducing power in this shot Chris had.  Amen.

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