Saturday, July 11, 2020

July 11 – “A memory thing”

Well, we got the “official” official word on Cailyn’s wrist injury.  It is NOT broken after all.  Good news there.  She’ll still be sore for a while.  And I hope she’ll be a little more mindful of her Tony Hawk’ing.  Not more careful, necessarily.  That would defeat the purpose of bravely attempting new things. 

One of those memory things popped up on my FaceBook feed yesterday.  Apparently five years ago our good friends from Arlington were here for a visit.  We went to Jimmy’s on the Pier for some seafood.  I reposted it and mentioned with a sigh that we should do it again sometime.  Cary and Kay Lynn almost immediately responded to the photo.  They said they were ready.  Some other Mansfield friends jumped in to say they wanted a piece of the Galveston action as well.  Then the Winkle’s son Corbin added a picture of his new baby girl in an “Island” dress.  We gotta get some sand between that youngster’s toes while she’s young so she’ll always want to come back to Galveston.  I just saw yet another Mansfield friend mention that they have been checking in on our virtual worship service.  I finally answered with a blanket invitation, asking when everyone’s arrival time was.  No response to that one yet.  Guess we’ll have to settle for a slice of leftover pizza we have frozen in the fridge. 

I am pretty excited that we have a baptism tomorrow.  Beaches still open …

Our other task yesterday was yard work.  Mowing and edging, of course.  But this time we also tackled some tree trimming.  Sycamore branches were obstructing my path when I mowed.  That’s a death penalty offense.  For the branch, not the tree.  And I also trimmed out the middle of our huge oleander bush in the front yard.  It is obstructing our view when we try to back out of the driveway.  I got grudging approval to trim it under those specific conditions from the oleander queen herself, Betty Head.  Mrs. Betty, by the way, turned 92 years old yesterday.  Happy birthday, you Spring Chicken.

Ephesians 4:32 says, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

Father, please watch over Mrs. Betty.  She’s a very sweet lady who meant a lot to my Mom.  Amen.

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