Friday, July 17, 2020

July 17 – “Alterations”

Back on Wednesday … well, I think it was Wednesday.  I’m at least a day behind, I’m pretty sure, but in actuality I have no idea what day it is any more.  But back on Wednesday … or Tuesday … I don’t think it was yesterday … we played Telestrations.  However, we had to make one little alteration.  See, I didn’t bring the actual game.  So that meant I had to make up a bunch of words and phrases for each person to choose from.  And we had to create little booklets for each person to use for the drawings and guesses.  So the pre-game preparations took a long time.  It wasn’t bad though.  The prep became part of the fun, as we had plenty of help using scissors and staplers.  Once we began it was like a regular game.  Some words were a cinch.  Others transformed into convoluted messes based on the pictures drawn.  Great family fun.

I went swimming with AnnaGrace.  They have a small, but not too small pool set up on their back patio.  She was in the water playing when I slinked in behind her.  She was a bit taken aback at first, but when she realized that I was willing to play the role of one of the jaguar family, she warmed up to me really well. 

Josh stopped for Mexican food takeout on his way home at lunch from a morning meeting.  Quesadillas and tacos.  He knows the way to his Mommy’s heart, that’s for sure. 

Late that afternoon I played basketball with all the boys.  All the boys.  Including Josh.  Brought back memories of my coaching days.  And yep … I’m still a little sore.

That night we stayed up to watch Men in Black: International.  Fun movie, but by the time it was over, it was way past my bedtime.

Not bad for a Wednesday … or Tuesday.  Or whatever day that was.

Mark 9:23 says, “’If you can?’ said Jesus.  ‘Everything is possible for one who believes.’”

Father, thank you for alterations and quesadillas and sore muscles.  They all tell a family story.  Amen.

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