Friday, July 31, 2020

July 31 – “Just rest my eyes …”

Well, I had a bit of a scare yesterday.  After our morning walk I started in on some work, and Chris disappeared into the back yard.  Not an uncommon occurrence.  A while later I went out to check on the progress of whatever it was she was doing.  She was knee deep in clippings and weeds from the back flowerbed.  And she wasn’t even three feet in.  She was trying to reach some tall branches with the clippers, so I pulled on my shining armor, crawled up on my mighty white steed and headed to join her in her quest.  We spent the next few hours tugging and clipping and piling and tossing.

All was going well until Chris paused in the yard.  She reached for a branch that was still attached, but not to pull it down.  She needed something to steady herself.  She commented, “Whew.  I think I need to sit down,” and made her way unsteadily to the swing.  I immediately began extricating myself from behind the bush we had been working on so I could help her.  Once she sat down I’m pretty sure passed out, albeit it briefly.  I got her some water and a cool, wet washcloth.  She started to cool down, but the backyard project was a wash for the day.  We went on inside and had some lunch.

OK.  Scary enough.  She said the lunch helped a lot, but she still didn’t really feel so good.  I moved over to my recliner, and she crashed out on the couch to “just rest my eyes for a few minutes.”  Well, that extended to about four hours.  I was seriously all set to make some phone calls if she went on another fourteen hour sleeping binge.  After the nap plus the pancakes and bacon she subsequently made for supper, she said she was feeling much better.  We did take her blood pressure.  She is adjusting to some new medication.  It was indeed pretty low.  We’ll have to keep an eye on that if … no, when … she attempts her next backyard binge.  Personally I think the moral of the story is … Bacon – good for what ails you.

Philippians 2:3 says, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.”

Father, please help out the docs and these new medications to get Chris’ blood pressure under control.  Amen.

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