Thursday, November 7, 2019

November 7 – “General George wins again”

We had supper last night with Nathan and April and Cailyn.  We tried to do that last week but couldn’t coordinate a time between Cailyn’s softball and Mommy and Daddy’s work schedule.  Nathan called us this time, though.  He is finally starting on his regular shift work at the plant, so he actually had a day off. 

Before the chili was served (Good stuff, by the way.  Nathan put in three different kinds of meat.  He has always been the creative cook in the family), Cailyn practiced her presentation for history class.  They are studying the Revolutionary War and some of its unlikely heroes.  Cailyn chose someone I had never heard of, for sure.  Can’t even remember her name.  I think she married a guy named Reed.  Anyway, she organized some of the hoity-toity ladies (that’s Nathan’s translation) to collect money for the army.  The intent was to simply distribute the money to the soldiers, but a certain General named George Washington had some reservations about that.  He was fairly certain the men would simply spend the extra money on booze.  They compromised.  The ladies collected the money, and used it to purchase linen.  Then they made clothing for the troops.  It was certainly a worthy endeavor, but our lady hero still wasn’t completely convinced.  She even wrote General George a letter expressing her ambivalence.  She felt like the soldiers would consider the clothes more something they earned – something the army should have provided them anyway - a payment for services rendered, rather than the surprise bonus the ladies intended.  General George won.  So did the soldiers.  So today we drink coffee instead of tea …

1 John 1:7 says, “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.”

Father, please be with Cailyn in her presentation today.  Help her to have fun with it.  Amen.

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