Sunday, November 24, 2019

November 24 – “DRT Day”

We had our very own DRT Day yesterday.  NO, not Dallas Rapid Transit.  It was Dry Rub Turkeys Day.  Now granted, that is totally Chris’ department.  She created the rub the day before – three gallon-sized bags of it.  Special secret recipe she has honed over the years.  And whatever is in there, mixed with the love and sweetness from her hands to the turkeys, creates some of the best-tasting stuff you ever had.

We did have one crisis, however.  After the rubbing was complete, she was cleaning out the fridge.  One of the turkeys developed a leak in his packaging, so the juice was all over the bottom of the fridge.  She pulled out the bottom shelf to get underneath it, and the shelf slipped out of her hands.  Who knew the glass plate on top was just sitting there, not attached in any way.  Needless to say, it shattered all over the floor.  Now that was something I could assist with.  I grabbed the broom and dustpan and started gathering it all together in a pile for removal to the trash can.  Chris ingeniously figured out a way to stack the remaining turkeys on top of each other so they could remain refrigerated and pasting until we actually start frying, come Monday morning.  I then got online and miraculously found a parts site that had the replacement glass in stock.  That has been ordered and should arrive in a few days. 

We also made our yearly jaunt over to Moody Methodist Church to check out their craft fair.  We really enjoyed the choir’s caroling they had going on.  It was good to see a Seasider or two, both current and from years past.  It’s always good to reconnect with Laura.  She was our financial secretary for many years, and is now a goat farmer in Santa Fe.  She makes soaps and lotions from the goat milk.  Ah, creativity.  Any kind of creativity.  It is truly inspiring …

1 John 3:16 says, “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.  And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.”

Father, every time I experience the creativity of a human – whether it be the refrigerator-worthy drawing of a two-year-old or the development of a turkey rub or the reworking of goat’s milk – I am awed at the massive creativity you show us all around.  Amen.

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