Monday, November 4, 2019

November 4 – “So … no Astros …”

Another great day at Seaside yesterday.  We had quite a few guests from the big motorcycle rally going on.  There were thousands of motorcycles all over the Island, and one of the groups that ministers to them stayed in our retreat center.  A handful of them stayed over for church.  We also had several others who were staying in beach houses nearby who came as well.  That group in the retreat center was very excited because they had seen a highly uncharacteristic tendency for ministry groups to cooperate this year that they have never seen before.  They were amazed at how the expression of unity made it possible to do so much more for the bikers.  Yep.  God does love that unity …

Sunday afternoon was interesting for us.  No Astros game.  Not even a Texans football game (They played at 8:30 in the morning in England).  The Cowboys don’t play until tonight.  We did watch a taste of the Ravens vs. Patriots game.  That was more to root against the Patriots than anything.  Worked.  Patriots lost (OK.  I had to check the score in the paper this morning.  I went to bed in the third quarter). 

So, no Astros.  No football.  What then could we possibly have done all afternoon?  Here’s a hint.  Not counting the tiny little bit of a nap that I took, it did involve binge-watching.  Guessed it yet?  Well, there you have it.  Hallmark and Lifetime movies.  The season is here.  New movies are being cranked out by both channels.  Join us this season as we chuckle at the horrible acting, sniffle just a bit at the oh-so cute children, and see who can be the first to guess the plot climax …

Isaiah 25:1 says, “Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago.”

Father, thank you for our biker friends.  Watch over them all as they travel back to their respective homes.  Amen.

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