Tuesday, November 26, 2019

November 26 – “It’s FTD”

Yesterday was FTD.  No, not that flower deliver service (I don’t know what that stands for anyway).  Nope.  Around here it means Fry Turkeys Day.  Every year, a day or two before Thanksgiving, we break out our two propane-operated fryers, fill ‘em up with grease, and begin the process of knocking out a few turkeys.  And by “a few” I mean more than a few.  This year our total came to eleven.  They each take about an hour of fry time, so figuring up the math, and adding to that carving them all up and getting them into the fridge … it is truly an all-day affair. 

This year we were assisted by the presence of some of our illustrious grandchildren.  The boys were particularly interested in the Lifetime movies marathon that was playing on the TV.  We usually find time to watch a few of them together every year.  It’s always great fun to guess the plot and anticipate the appearance of Winter Storm Meghan.  As far as the work goes, Jachin in particular really stepped up to keep his youngest brother out of harm’s way (That grease gets really hot!) and to help me with hot pot lids and opening doors and the like.  Thanks for the big assist, Jachin. 

When the big brothers had to leave (Jachin had a class at the community college and I think the other two brothers had an appointment of some kind), little sister stuck around.  Noa and Nana had some big plans to do some cookie baking if DadDad ever finished in the kitchen.  Fortunately that completion finally arrived and I handed over the space to our two bakers of the day.  Not much you can say about a huge batch of homemade chocolate chip cookies.  Primarily because Mama taught you not to talk with your mouth full, right?  They were some kinda good. 

I have to say I retired for the evening one tired old dude.  It hit me sometime after I finished my hot dog for supper that I never even tasted one of the turkeys.  Of course Chris handled that department for me.  She managed one little bite from each one.  Quality control purposes only, of course.  Of course …

2 Corinthians 12:9 says, “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’  Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”

Father, thank you for the help we had around here yesterday.  Bless those youngsters.  Amen.

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