Tuesday, November 19, 2019

November 19 - “Conferencing on into G-parenting”

We made it to Waco ... again.  This time we are attending the Texas Baptists Convention.  This is one of the groups that really helped us out back during Hurricane Ike.  We also host one of their subgroups at the retreat center for training.  It is a loosely connected group of churches across Texas who believe the same key doctrines about a Jesus and scripture and the like.  Some enjoy a very high-church kind of worship, while others are more laid-back like ours.  The point is, we all cooperate together to better get things done ... like missions.

Like all conventions, I suppose, it is also a time to reconnect with people you have seen since the last convention, and maybe to meet some new folks.  In one sense it is pure networking.  In another, simpler sense, it is simply saying hello to old friends.  We saw Bobby Smith at one booth.  He used to  be pastor of First Baptist Church in Galveston.  He is now Director of Chaplaincy Ministries at this state office.  Found out he is having both knees replaced in January.  He solicited my advice as well as prayers.  I just encouraged him to do the work ahead of time.  Makes all the difference in the world after the surgery.  At that same booth we met a guy who is a member of Josh’s church in Waco.  He assured us that the church loves our son and that he is a great preacher and pastor.  Prideful parent moment, of course.  We saw both the old and present director of missions for the Galveston Baptist Association, as well as a very fun guy named Ernest who is a regional director for the state group in our region.  Lots of levels of bureaucracy?  Maybe, but I’m pretty sure it is actually an attempt to better connect with churches across the state.  Oh, and we also saw a guy w haven’t seen since we left Texas to move to Colorado.  That was back when there was a “19” in front of the year.  Mark was the band Director who taught Kel to play the bassoon.  Great guy.
Jim ... we heard a few new songs for us to learn at Seaside. Here are the titles:
The Lion and the Lamb, by Big Daddy Weave (how can you go wrong with a band name like that?).
Living Hope, not sure who originally recorded this one.
We were assured you could find both of them on YouTube.

Last night we snuck in a little time being grandparents.  We went to Luke's first basketball practice of the season.  He was very patient with his coach.  Most of the other kids were trying to figure out how to dribble.  Meanwhile Luke was dribbling with his off hand and hitting shots from all over the court.  pretty impressive.  We also got to see Caleb and Zak play a little scrimmage at their Fellowship of Christian Athletes skills training.  Caleb actually did a really good ball fake and follow-up shot against a much taller opponent.  Very nice job.  Zak was one of the older kids there, so he was all over the court, driving and shooting and playing defense.  He even had to guard the coach a time or two.  And speaking of Zak, we ended the evening with a trip to one of his junior high basketball games.  His team totally outmatched the other guys, and won by a pretty lopsided score.  Zak scored seven of their points, but I thought one of his best plays was a drive toward the basket, pull up and dish a perfect pass to a teammate, who scored.  Great assist, Zak.  OK.  Yes.  More proud grandparent moments.

Galatians 1:10 says, "Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God?  Or am I trying to please people?  If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ."

Father, it was good to reconnect with some folks yesterday.  Help them to be successful in their respective ministries.  And be with Bobby as he prepares for that knee surgery.  Amen.

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