Wednesday, December 20, 2017

December 20 – “in the 20’s”

Well, it’s in the 20’s now.  No, I don’t mean the temperature.  We don’t live in Oklahoma.  I mean the date.  It’s December and it’s the 20th.  That means time is running out for Christmas shopping.  Better get on the stick out there, folks.  Speaking of that, where does that saying come from, anyway?  “Get on the stick”?  Is it the stick shift in a race car that you should shift into higher gear?  Or maybe it refers to a literal stick from the perspective of a dog whose master has just tossed it in a game of Fetch?  Yeah.  I think the dog one must be it.  It’s always the most reasonable in the end. 

We did do some Christmas shopping yesterday.  After a quick run to the bank to make a deposit we made a quick run to WalMart to make good use of what we just deposited.  We are getting close to completion, though.  Chris spent most of the evening wrapping presents.  And I helped.  I get to write names on the gift tags.  Great fun.  That’s where I honed my calligraphy skills … or lack thereof.  It’s great to be so incredibly helpful.  Especially at Christmas.

We did experience a bit of a crisis last night.  We were watching a DVRed episode of Once Upon a Time (It’s gotten pretty weird, by the way.  Guess they ran out of all the cool characters).  Suddenly it shut down and switched over to regular TV.  And in the next few seconds a message came across telling us to contact the cable provider.  Well, we never jump the gun on messages like that one.  We waited in out.  Sure enough a second message eventually appeared that the problem was theirs and would be repaired soon.  Of course “soon” probably means “perhaps by Christmas.”  Guess I’ll check in on it again later today.

Meanwhile, it’s back to work today.  I’m struggling with upper respiratory gunk, so plenty of fluids.  I know.  I know.  I always leave off the other half of the equation, “Get plenty of rest.”  I’ll work on that.  Maybe after Christmas.  No, wait.  Josh and his family will be here right after Christmas.  So … next year.  That’s it.  Next year for sure …

Psalms 18:31 says, “For who is God besides the Lord?  And who is the Rock except our God?”

Father, thank you for sleep.  It’s a really amazing invention.  Amen.

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