Monday, December 11, 2017

December 11 – “impromptu”

We had an impromptu church workday yesterday to go along with our impromptu dinner on the grounds.  The food was a result of the cool day on Saturday.  That made most people go for the soups at the Bethlehem Market Café, which in turn left a lot of brisket behind.  So yesterday we had brisket after church.  Oh, and a little taco soup as well.  Good stuff.  Great fellowship, too.

And after the food we attacked the rest of the tear down after the market.  Well, mainly we got the bunks up in the retreat center hauled back into their proper rooms and re-assembled.  And here’s where many kudos go to Corey and Janell.  They had the things almost done before the rest of us even got upstairs.  And I understand the other Cory (no “e”) and Sarah were a huge help up there as well.  I know when I got there, all I had left to do was box up a bunch of books.  We’re going to let the homeschool music coop people take a look at them first and take what they want.  Then I guess we’ll donate them to the library sale or maybe just to Salvation Army.  We still have three or four Christmas trees to take down upstairs, but they can just keep the place festive until after the first of the year.  Now my only task remaining is to take down the advertising on the church marquee.  That’ll happen Wednesday at staff meeting.

Can’t tell you how good it felt to just sit down, put my knee up, and watch a good Hallmark movie.  Well, I think it was good.  The parts of it I remember were good, anyway.  I did crash for “just a minute or two to rest my eyes.” 

Oh, and one unusual thing happened in church.  We didn’t have a single visitor in attendance.  Oh, we still had forty or so Seasiders there, but everyone had been before, so it was just us Seaside Family.  That just doesn’t happen very often around here.  Felt kind of strange. 

Last night we watched the live streaming of the Christmas pageant at Columbus Avenue Baptist Church in Waco.  Caleb and Zak sang in the children’s choir portion.  Zak was very grown-up and professional-looking.  Caleb was quite animated in his swaying and smiling as he enjoyed the moment.  Luke had a key role as well.  He played the young boy Jesus who received the wise men into his home about two years after his birth.  Luke was an incredible actor.  He pointed at the approaching entourages.  He moved into his appropriate spot next to the Mary and Joseph characters.  And he accepted each gift from the wise men with grace and poise beyond his years.  Could have been a movie segment.  Nice job Vaughan Boys.  (Not that I’m a proud old grandpa or anything).  Oh, and the rest of the Columbus music ministry did a good job, too. 

Psalms 16:5-6 says, “Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure.  The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.”

Father, thank you for church Christmas pageants that highlight children.  Oh, and thanks for Hallmark movies, too.  Amen.

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