Saturday, April 16, 2016

April 16 – “Batman vs. Superman”

Well, we finally made it to see Batman vs. Superman yesterday.  I will try to be careful to avoid spoilers, because at least one of my sons has not seen it yet (Josh).  Now, at the outset I have to say that Chris really liked it.  The jury is still out for me.  I am in the process of working through all the Marvel Disease moments (that would be where every superhero is fundamentally flawed, and whatever their angst of the moment is can take up a substantial portion of the story line, making for the psychological intensity that led me as a child to be bored stiff with all things Marvel) to get down to the actual DC-classic story line, climax and resolutions.  Or in this case, resolution and then climax, which felt a little backward to me. 

OK. So in no apparent order, here are my DC-ish struggles.
Metropolis and Gotham just across the bay from each other.  If they were that close I’m pretty sure Superman could have handled things.  I think they were more like New York and Chicago.

Batman doesn’t die when Superman hits him the first time (pre-kryptonite gas).  Something about a super suit of armor.  But hey … it’s Superman.  Suit or no suit.  Besides, all Superman has to do is punch Batman in his exposed jaw and lights out.  Sorry … too much revelation there?  I’ll back off some. 

Again, it reeks of the aforementioned Marvel Disease.  Batman is the DC poster boy for a flawed guy, but he is never evil.  The whole point of superheroes, especially Superman, is to show good triumphs over evil.  So, Batman and even Superman to some extent falling victim to Luthor’s two-year ploy to turn them evil?  Batman has overcome enough strife in his life to handle whatever psychological warfare ol’ Lex can throw his way.  And Superman?  He lost his entire planet, for crying out loud. 

And don’t get me started on the whole secret sex relationship with Lois Lane.  Totally out of character.  But apparently necessary to sell movie tickets.

There are also quite a few visuals to push Superman as the Jesus/Messiah figure.  That idea has always been kind of in the background in the Superman story.  Both are somehow more than just human and have entered the world to save it.  I’ll forego some of the other connections I made along these lines for the sake of spoilers.  Let me just say that it ends sort of like Jesus Christ, Superstar.  It’s like you have eaten a full meal of Chinese food, but you are still not quite satisfied. 

Speaking of which, then there was the blatant introduction to the next movie with the group of meta-humans (great term stolen from the TV show, The Flash) Wonder Woman, Flash and Aquaman fighting the unknown danger that Batman somehow senses is coming.  I know there was another one, but I went to the bathroom while Diana Prince was looking through those computer files.  Chris recognized Flash and Aquaman, but not the other one.  Any help here?

 OK, so did I like the movie.  Well, sure I did.  I like pretty much all live action super hero movies (even if they do come from the Marvel stockhouse).  I don’t abide cartoons well, though.  But if a cartoon of any kind is longer than 20 minutes or so, my body shuts down and I go to sleep.  I think my Mom must have used them to calm me down when I was a kid.  Operant conditioning and all that.  But anyway … go see the movie.  Decide for yourself.  Become enraptured in the whole soap opera-esque universe of it all.  It is … fun.

Mark 6:45-46 says, “Immediately Jesus made his disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to Bethsaida, while he dismissed the crowd.  After leaving them, he went up on a mountainside to pray.”

Father, thank you for things like movies that entertain.  Actually thank you for the capacity to be entertained, to experience fun.  Gives us the tiniest taste of the joy that you offer.  Amen.

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