Thursday, April 14, 2016

April 14 – “A Few little things”

I did a few of those little things over the last couple of days.  You know, those little things that are intended to show your wife with the love language of acts of service that you really do love her.  First we finished building a little shelf.  Doesn’t sound like much, I know, but this was a project that she designed to make use of the only remaining remnant of Mom and Dad’s old secretary desk they used to have in their living room.  It was the decorative piece that was on top.  Kind of an ornate flair that had no real purpose except to look pretty … and survive a hurricane.  We cut a nice piece of plywood to the proper length, and then Chris spent three days staining it to just the color she wanted.  Once that dried we attached the top piece to it and hung it on the wall.  Then she put a few things on it and stepped back to admire the job.  It looks really good.  Even fits the new décor of the room.  Sounds so simple now that it’s done. 

The other little thing was a bit more clandestine.  Chris had a dental appointment yesterday, and afterward she had some shopping to get done.  I volunteered to stay at home.  I know.  It was a sacrifice, but that wasn’t the “little thing” I mentioned.  While she was gone I printed out several updated photos of our grandkids and surreptitiously (I’ve always wanted to use that word in a sentence) inserted them into frames that were already in use around the house.  The idea was to see how long it took her to discover and comment on them.  Sneaky, huh?  And how did that work out for me?  Honestly, she either hasn’t discovered the changes or has elected not to say anything as yet.  So the jury is out on those.  I may be replacing some pictures before the day is out. 

Mark 6:30-31 says, “The apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to him all they had done and taught.  Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, ‘Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.’”

Father, thank you for a wife who likes little things.  Amen.

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