Saturday, January 16, 2016

January 16 – “Happy birthdays”

Today is my “Christian birthday.”  By that I mean the time when I consciously realized my need and chose for myself to be a follower of Jesus.  Happened when I was a senior in high school way back when there was a “19” in front of the year.  Then keep going farther and farther into that abyss until you hit the 1970’s.  Yep.  I graduated from good ol’ Ball High School in 1971.  In January of that year I committed my life to following Jesus, and nothing has been the same since.  That makes me just 45 years old.  A mere whippersnapper.  Happy birthday to me … courtesy of Jesus (again.  He was involved for the first birthday as well, being the Creator and all). 

Speaking of birthdays, yesterday I got a text.  A very early text.  A 6:48 a.m. text.  Now, I was awake and already at my desk working when it came through, so it wasn’t a problem or anything.  It’s just still a bit of a surprise to be texting with my six-year-old granddaughter.  Oh, but this one was special.  It was more of an announcement, no a pronouncement than anything else.  “Good morning.  It’s my birthday DadDad.”  And I stand corrected.  I’m texting with my seven-year-old granddaughter.  I did answer her right away, but she was getting ready for school, so we didn’t resume until she got home.  Now here’s the thing.  Last night she was having a party for the Vaughan side of the family.  In fact, Kel’s kids were at our house waiting for their Mom and Dad to get back from a movie (Christina was finally seeing Star Wars).  We couldn’t talk Josh into driving down for the event though.  Something about preparing for Caleb’s birthday party which is today.  I anticipated that she would be a little anxious for that to get started.  See what you think.  Here’s the course of the texting:
C: Good morning.  It’s my birthday, DadDad.
D: What?! Well, happy birthday.  Do you feel older?
C (4:50 p.m. that afternoon): Yes it does feel older.
D: Can’t wait to see you in a little while.  I’m getting hungry.
C: No!!!!!!!!!!! Daddy said you are coming at 5:00.
D: I’ll be there as soon as I can.  I have to wait for Uncle Kel and Aunt Christina.
C: Thanks for your information.
D (Wait.  “Thanks for your information”?  Where did THAT come from?): You are sincerely welcome.
This interchange completed at around 4:48.  That’s important because a few minutes later my notification bell went off again.
C: It’s 5:02 DadDad.

Got me.  I’m late.  After that we decided that the boys and I would head on over so they could get started on their playing time.  Kel and Christina arrived not long after that with a car seat for Noa, and the party was ready to begin.  Great hamburgers by Nathan.  Great cake by April (decorated by Cailyn and Noa).  Great ice cream by Blue Bell.  Ooops.  Gotta go.  I think I just got a text from my seven-year-old granddaughter.

2 Peter 1:3 says, “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.”

Father, thank you for Cailyn and for her grasp of technology.  Help her to grow to love you and have many Christian birthdays of her own as well.  Amen.

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