Wednesday, July 17, 2013

July 17 – “A masterful negotiation”

Vacation Bible School, day two resulted in a three-fold increase in kids’ attendance.  Of course that means we had two more kids there to join Cailyn.  Uh-oh.  No longer the absolute center of attention.  She was fine with it, though. Especially since the other two were rambunctious boys.  Why, they even chose to stay outside and play crazy games instead doing the responsible, reasonable thing of going inside and putting together the huge floor puzzle of a price and his princess on horses.  What could be better than that?  I heard Cailyn and one of the workers’ little girls discussing who would be what character once they got the puzzle together.  They struggled a bit at first, since of course both wanted to be the princess.  And neither of them could be the prince.  I was a bit worried whether that could break out into a knock-down, drag-out fist fight.  But I forgot these were girls.  Guys would have had the fist fight, nobody would have won, the puzzle would be forever forgotten, and they would be best buddies forever.  I don’t have enough experience with girls to know what would happen, though.  As it turned out, Cailyn did get to be the princess.  No surprise there.  But the other little girl came up with the solution of the year as far as I’m concerned.  She decided she would be … the horse.  Of course.  Why didn’t I think of that?  In either case, adults could learn an awful lot from the masterful negotiation skills of children when left to their own devices.

I like the way this group is letting even the very young kids be involved in leading.  Several have lead in prayer and one kid even told the story of Paul and Silas singing in jail.  Cailyn’s friend Macy even raced into the rain to chase down a lady and with two children and invite them to come.  Doing it this way, with a very small group of children, reminds me of one of the ways Seaside has really contributed over the years.  Young kids and even inexperienced adults get to learn how to be effective ministers in a safe place. 

Cailyn came home with me after VBS since Mommy and Daddy both are at work today.  The other day she told Chris that she wants her folks to buy the lot next door so she can “come right in through your front door any time I want to.”  Chris wanted that, too.  Can’t say that Nathan and April would be that thrilled at the prospect, though.

Psalms 100:4-5 says, “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.  For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.”

Father, help Seaside maintain a spirit of acceptance and appreciation for the groups that come stay with us.  Amen.


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