Thursday, June 21, 2012

June 21 – “Get on board”

On Tuesday morning I went in to check on Mom and see if she was up yet.  She was out of bed and sitting in her chair.  I asked her if she had eaten breakfast, and she assured me that she had.  Must have been a great dream – to be served breakfast.  I said OK, but went into the kitchen and got her some cereal ready.  Then I went back in and told her breakfast was on the table.  She got right up and ate.  That's the thing about dream food – it's not very filling.  Then yesterday she shocked us all.  She was up before seven and made her way to the kitchen without using her walker.  That made me a little nervous, but she was ready for breakfast, so I helped her get all set up.  I even got to go in and tease Chris a bit about Mom beating her up.  Er … I mean getting out of bed faster than she did.  Can't remember the last time that happened.  Can't say I remember her ever beating anybody up.  She's always been such a pacifist.
I finished the student desk.  Well, except for the optional seat cushion.  Chris will have to do that.  It looks pretty good compared to what it looked like when I started on it.  I sure hope Christi wants the two desks.  Otherwise Chris will want to find a place to put them here. 
Last night we went to a camp information meeting.  Our fabulous youth intern turned it into a pizza party for any students who were going to camp, parents and prayer partners.  She is a planner, so we had a long text messaging interchange in the afternoon.  She said she wanted to do games, but I couldn't talk her into Red Rover.  So I came up with a few easy ones that even adults would do.  I think it went pretty well.  Everybody participated, and you can't go wrong with pizza.  I liked her slogan for the night.  The purpose of the meeting was to make sure everyone was on the same page, so she went with "Get on Board."  Lots of possibilities with that one.  I settled for bringing an actual board and standing on it.  Thought about seeing how many of us we could get to stand on that one little board.  That sounded very camp-ish to me.  One of the moms suggested that we should have served the pizza on the board.  Or maybe we should carry the board around camp all week.  Then if the teachings go long, we could hug it and say, "I'm board."  She also recommended making known that if anyone misbehaved at camp, they would "come in contact" with the board.  Glad it was a parent that came up with that one. 
Psalms 5:3 says, "In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation."
Father, I'm really glad you are there in the mornings.  Especially ones like today when I wake up at 4:30.  Amen.

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