Tuesday, June 19, 2012

June 19 – “Dream universe”

Well, this has been a crazy night.  Lots of tossing and turning and even a weird dream here and there.  One of them in particular has me puzzled.  It was a jumble of thoughts drawn from a story I told in the sermon Sunday about when I coached girls' basketball in Colorado, mixed with the Astros' near-collapse after leading 9 to 2.  They eventually won 9 to 7, but only after Kansas City scored five runs in the ninth off of Houston's closer who was just going out to get in a quick inning of work.  So what do those two things have in common?  And how could they mesh together to form a dream? 
As is often the case with a dream, I don't have the big picture.  All I can remember is that we were at a basketball game that was following slightly different rules than usual.  One point for free throws.  No different there.  Two points for shots close to the basket.  Three points for longer range shots.  And in this universe, four points for really long shots.  And the other big variation was that the team that scored kept possession of the ball.  Now, one of the teams in the dream world was ahead by a large margin, but their opponent had possession.  Instead of driving to the basket or running an offensive play like one would expect, they made one pass, just inside of the half-court line at the corner of the court near the out of bounds line.  There stood one of the ladies who used to go to Seaside.  Barbara caught the pass, took one dribble, and let fly with a four-point shot.  It banked off the backboard and into the basket.  What a shot.  Her team recovered the ball and lined up for another throw-in.  Same play.  Toss to Barbara at mid-court, about where Meadowlark Lemon used to hit hook shots for the Harlem Globetrotters.  One dribble.  Long shot.  Four points.  The huge lead was dwindling fast.  Barbara hits again.  Finally time ran out before she could win the game with yet another impossible bank shot. 
Any thoughts on a deeper meaning behind that one? 
Psalms 4:5 says, "Offer right sacrifices and trust in the Lord."
Father, that's a great verse to pattern a life after, isn't it?  Help me to do that.  Amen.

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