Saturday, June 2, 2012

June 2 – “Graduation and gut-wrenching”

Well, today hasn't been turning out how I planned at all.  I was all set to mow the grass and do some work in the garage.  Until I left the big Dickinson graduation last night.  By the time I got back to the car I felt horrible. Stomach sick as Chris and I call it.  I just knew I was going to vomiting all over the school parking lot and probably get arrested for being drunk and disorderly.  I guess vomiting can certainly be considered disorderly.  Sure indicates the internal systems are not in order.  I was very sad to miss the big party at the Boyer's house.  Some good friends were going to be there.  At least I made it all the way through the ceremony.  Lora gave us some assigned seating for the event.  Right in the sun.  It was miserably hot until the sun went down.  But other than that they were good seats, for being in a football stadium.  We were able to locate Lora Pat and Allie and Chloe as they walked past us.  The valedictorian and salutatorian gave their speech together.  That was unusual, but quite entertaining.  A couple of standup comics.  I didn't get the inside jokes but the graduates sure did.  And oh, the graduates.  There were around 500 of them.  I knew I was in for a long night, too.  Lots of folks left after their student walked, but hey, Chloe's last name is Woodward.  And I was determined to make it for her sake.  I remember being in the V's at the end of almost a thousand graduates myself, back in the good old days.  Way to hang in there, Chloe.  Lora Pat was doubly blessed.  Her last name starts with a B.  Plus she graduated cum laude.  WooHoo. 
They had a big party scheduled at the Boyer home with guests like spaghetti and cookie cake and good friends.  That's what I missed.  So glad I didn't go, though.  I spent a good part of the night in the bathroom.  That's why I'm just getting to the blog and it's already after one.  I can finally hold my head up without it spinning.  Chris ended up mowing the grass.  I had to go out and pull the rope to help her get started a few times.  And when she finished, after struggling with our antiquated weedeater and finally giving up on it, she started feeling queasy.  That's certainly not what we need around here.  Two sickos and Mom to take care of us.  Scary thought.  Chris made it through her shower, though, so I guess we can crash on the couch and wait for … whatever it is you wait for when you don't feel like doing anything and you hope the next thing doesn't involve a rapid flight to the bathroom.  Ugh.
1 John 5:4-5 says, "for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.  Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God."
Father, give us some of your "overcoming" to get us through this stomach bug.  And walk with those girls who graduated last night.  Amen.

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