Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April 3 – “Cow Head”

We hooked Cailyn into her carseat and headed over to Libbie's Place to pick up Mom.  Before we could back out of the driveway we heard a squeal of delight from the back seat.  Cailyn had spotted an unusual blob on the windshield right in front of the passenger seat.  On the outside, thankfully.  Closer examination through the sturdy glass revealed the offending critter was no e other than … yet another snail.  They are still all over the place around here.  More snail bait is definitely in our immediate financial future.  That snail was hardy if nothing else.  It's hard to come up with anything positive to say about snails, especially since I don't even like to eat the kind that are edible.  So I guess the best thing that can be said about this guy was that he never let go.  He rode with us all the way to Libbie's and back.  Such tenacity deserves a reward, and since he was not hurting any plants, I let him stay attached.  If he is still there later this morning, though, I think a thrill ride through the air into the street is in order. 
We made a quick trip to the store for milk the other day when Cailyn was here.  WalMart, of course.  For some reason we came home with much more than just milk.  Surely that never happens to anyone else.  I thought maybe it was just a grandparent thing, but we only bought Cailyn one little pair of gloves.  She had to have something so she could help Nani work out in the yard.  That made it a perfectly reasonable purchase, didn't it?  It was all the other stuff.  I guess we never realize just how much we think we need until we see it on display in front of our eyes.  But then, that's the genius of marketing, isn't it?  And the genius of staying out of debt is being able to recognize the ploys of the evil marketing department and walk through the Aisle of the Shadow of Temptation unscathed.  Hmm.  Sounds like a good parody on the 23rd Psalm is in the works here.  I'll have to think more about that one. 
When Nathan came to pick up Cailyn she wanted to look in his ears.  Seems she had recently been to the doctor herself, so she wanted to practice a few skills.  She had the old magnifying glass I salvaged after Hurricane Ike.  The idea back then was to teach the boys how to focus the rays of the sun and do things like giving ants a hot foot.  Hey, it's what we used to do for fun around here when I was a kid.  She him lean his head way back so she could look into his nose.  And there in one nostril she saw Dora.  Boots was in the other one.  Now Dora I recognized.  I confess I had to be told that boots was her pet cat or mountain lion or something.  Her doctor had used that ploy with those characters.  But Cailyn didn't stop there.  The examination was not finished.  Next came his ears.  And sure enough he something in there, too.  Sadly, this one was not as exciting as a cartoon character.  In fact Nathan might just have to go have his head examined.  Cailyn looked through the magnifying glass and announced, "I see … it's a … cow."  Whoa.  Cow Head.  That's gotta hurt.
1 Peter 2:1-3 says, "Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind.  Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good."
Father, I feel kind of out of it today.  Can I just say "Good morning"?

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