Sunday, April 29, 2012

April 29 – “Rooting for the Yankees”

Micah had a t-ball game yesterday.  I know because we got a phone call soon after I got up and before Chris was even out of bed.  It was Micah.  He wanted to inform me that I was not allowed to wear anything that had Astros on it to his game.  Not a t-shirt, not a hat, nothing Astros.  And the reason?  "Because we are versing the Astros today."  Gotta love that all new verb usage.  Does make sense, though.  I would say my five-year-old grandson has a pretty good handle on where his DadDad's allegiances lie.  His brother plays for a team called the Rangers.  I'm helping coach that team, so I have a Rangers T-shirt and hat.  That's what I wore to Micah's last game. Unfortunately the team they were playing that day was also called the Rangers.  Apparently Micah was not happy.  So yesterday he simply sought to help me avoid such a fashion gaffe again.  I searched my closet in vain to find a t-shirt or cap that would register support for Micah's team.  I knew there would be nothing there, though.  He plays for a team named after … the dreaded Yankees.  I managed to find a black shirt.  No pinstripes, but it would do. 
The game was fun as always.  The coach of the Astros was a bit of a fanatic for a guy working with t-ballers.  He carried a bat with him wherever he went, and he had a whistle on a string around his neck.  Really?  A whistle at a baseball game?  He positioned his players as close to the batter as was allowed.  Then he instructed them to field any ground ball, then race to tag them or beat them to first base.  No throwing at all was ever mentioned for those guys.  Really teaching them to learn the game?  Not exactly.  Really teaching them to win at all costs?  Maybe.  They do need some work on tagging techniques, though.  One little guy raced over to make a tag.  He beat the runner to first base easily, and reached out with a mild slap on the back.  With his hand.  But the ball was still in his glove on the other hand.  The runner stumbled and fell to the ground and the umpire called him out, but the tag was never applied.  To their credit, our coaches didn't argue right then.  But after the inning Kel quietly informed the umpire of his mistake.  Strangely enough, the same thing happened an inning or two later.  This time we got the call.  At game's end the score was tied.  Not that the boys even knew or particularly cared.  The Astros coach sure knew, though.  He was trying to get the ump to let the "play it out" to "get a clear winner."  The ump refused and declared the game a tie.  Somehow I think I know who the winner was. 
2 Peter 1:12-15 says, "So I will always remind you of these things, even though you know them and are firmly established in the truth you now have. I think it is right to refresh your memory as long as I live in the tent of this body, because I know that I will soon put it aside, as our Lord Jesus Christ has made clear to me. And I will make every effort to see that after my departure you will always be able to remember these things."
Father, help me always remember the things that matter.  Amen.

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