Saturday, May 28, 2011

May 28 – “LuLu”


We got our lawn mower back the other day.  Yesterday was the day to try out.  Sadly, it works great.  Oh, wait.  Is that a good thing?  Now I once again have a weekly date with it.  Welcome to Galveston summer. 


Yesterday I also got a phone call from a girl I went to high school with.  She wanted to know if I was really "had a church."  That's kind of a code for asking if there is any truth to the sordid rumor that I am a pastor.  She had pure motives, though.  She wanted to know of a church that she could tell her son to try out since he is living in Galveston now.  She said he grew up in Santa Fe (I assumed that's where she now lived), and attended a Baptist Church then.  We talked about Seaside for awhile.  She liked that it had a community church feel to it.  When I mentioned that it was in Jamaica Beach, she was kind of disappointed.  She said that she had hoped it would be the Island Church over on Jones Drive. 


That was intriguing.  I asked why.  She said she was at her son's house and he lives on a street called Yucca, which is very near that church.  I chuckled and told her I lived on Sycamore Street.  She obviously didn't know our neighborhood.  "Where's that?" she asked.  "It's the next street north of Yucca."  Thereafter ensued one of those rapid-fire comparison conversations.

"Next street north?  Really?"

"Really.  Which house does he live in?"

"It's the one with the big motor home garage and the Doberman named LuLu just across from that Zion Lutheran Church.  Do you know where that is?"

Again, she had no idea I have not only lived here for sixteen years in this house, but I also grew up in the neighborhood.  "Of course I know where it is.  And not only that, I know the Doberman.  He is the one that drives out two little dogs crazy every time he goes into the back yard.  Do you mean that big old green building?"

"Well, it's brown now but it used to be green.  You mean you live that close?"

"Brown, green, colors are not my thing.  But I sure do live close."

The conversation went on like that for several minutes before I could communicate that we could be talking over the back fence right now instead of on the phone.  She wanted to know if I was the guy who always rode his bicycle around the neighborhood.  I had a quick answer for that one.  Not a chance.  I do walk some, though, so she said she would watch for me when she was over.  I finally told her about our home group that meets on Thursdays here at the house.  She said she would let her son know.  Hmmm.  Maybe God is opening up some doors to our neighborhood.  Didn't I just pray for that to happen?  Guess Fritz and Heidi were more open to where God is at work that I was on this one.  Way to go, dogs.


Psalms 148:7-13 says, "Praise the Lord from the earth, you great sea creatures and all ocean depths, lightning and hail, snow and clouds, stormy winds that do his bidding, you mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars, wild animals and all cattle, small creatures and flying birds, kings of the earth and all nations, you princes and all rulers on earth, young men and maidens, old men and children.  Let them praise the name of the Lord, for his name alone is exalted; his splendor is above the earth and the heavens."


Father, forgive me when my dogs do a better job than I do of recognizing where you are at work.  Amen.

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